Check the Box to Report Memo Entries
Check boxes for "memo entries" have been added to certain schedules of FEC Forms 3 (House and Senate Campaigns), 3P (Presidential Campaigns) and 3X (PACs and Party Committees). Memo entries are used to provide supplemental or explanatory information on a reporting schedule and the dollar amount is not included the line item total. These entries are commonly used to report reimbursements, redesignations, reattributions, and transactions associated with credit card payments. The updated forms are available online at The FECFile update (Build is also available, and commercial software vendors are expected to incorporate the change in the coming days. Filers should use the updated forms for their next FEC report. For more information on memo entries, see the Reporting chapter of your Campaign Guide. If you have questions about how and when to use memo entries in FEC reporting, please call 800/424-9530 and speak with your committee's Campaign Finance Analyst (press 5) or an Information Specialist (press 6).