AO 2018-10: United Utah Party qualifies as a state party committee
The United Utah Party (UUP) qualifies as a state party committee under the Federal Election Campaign Act (the Act) and Commission regulations.
Under the Act and Commission regulations, to qualify as a state committee of a political party, a state party organization not affiliated with a national political party must (1) itself qualify as a “political party”; (2) possess an official structure; and (3) be responsible for the day-to-day operation of a party at the state level.
The Commission determined that because UUP is a political party, has the requisite official party structure, and is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the political party at the state level, it qualifies as a state committee of a political party.
Date issued: August 2, 2018; 4 pages
11 CFR 100.3(a)
Definition. Candidate
11 CFR 100.14(a)
State committee, subordinate committee, district, or local committee
11 CFR 100.15
Political party
11 CFR 110.14(a)
Contributions to and expenditures by delegates and delegate committees
Advisory opinions
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