AO 2008-05: Organization's status as a partnership
An entity organized under state law as a limited liability partnership, but classified as a corporation for federal tax purposes, is treated as a partnership under the Federal Election Campaign Act (the Act). Accordingly, the partnership’s federal political action committee (PAC) is not a separate segregated fund (SSF), but rather a nonconnected PAC. As such, all administrative support provided to the PAC by the partnership would constitute contributions, subject to the limitations and prohibitions of the Act.
Holland & Knight LLP (the Firm) is a law firm that is classified as a limited liability partnership (LLP) under the laws of Florida. However, for purposes of federal taxation, the Firm is classified as a corporation. The Firm is taxed as a partnership in Massachusetts and Florida, but is taxed as a corporation in other states in which it operates.
The Firm administers the Holland & Knight Committee for Effective Government (the Committee), a nonconnected PAC.
The Act's legislative history and Commission regulations rely on state law to determine if an organization is a partnership or a corporation. Since the Firm is organized as a limited liability partnership under Florida law, the Firm is treated as a partnership under the Act and Commission regulations.
The Act generally prohibits corporations from making contributions or expenditures in connection with a federal election. However, the Act exempts from the definition of "contribution or expenditure" a corporation's costs for establishing, administering or soliciting contributions to its SSF. 11 CFR 114.1(a) (2)(iii) and 114.2(b). These exemptions are generally not extended to partnerships. Since the Firm is a partnership and not a corporation, the contribution and expenditure exemptions do not apply, and the Firm may not treat the Committee as its SSF, nor may the Firm treat disbursements for the costs of administering the Committee or for soliciting contributions for the Committee as exempt from the definition of "contribution or expenditure" under the Act and Commission regulations.
Administrative and solicitation costs paid by the Firm on behalf of the Committee are contributions. Partnerships are treated as persons under the Act and Commission regulations and may contribute up to $5,000 per calendar year to a nonconnected committee. 11 CFR 100.10 and 110.1(d). Any contributions made to the Committee by the Firm are attributable both to the Firm and to its partners. 110.1(e)(1) and (2).
AO 2008-05: Date Issued: July 29, 2008; length: 5 pages.