Advisory opinion requests (pending July 2009)
AOR 2009-14
Administration and naming of SSF by a domestic LLC that is affiliated with the SSF’s connected corporation and has a foreign parent (Mercedes-Benz USA/Sterling, May 27, 2009)
AOR 2009-15
Authorized committee's acceptance of a contribution for a special election that may not occur (Bill White for Texas, June 11, 2009)
AOR 2009-16
State party committee status for the Libertarian Party of Ohio (Libertarian Party of Ohio, June 15, 2009)
AOR 2009-17
Presidential primary candidate who did not receive Matching Funds and who refunded excessive contributions seeks to donate to charity the funds remaining in his campaign account that represent refund checks not cashed and now stale (Romney for President, June 16, 2009)
AOR 2009-18
Recognition sought that PACs are disaffiliated (Penske Truck Leasing, June 17, 2009)
AOR 2009-19
Organization's use of FEC contributor information (Club for Growth, June 24, 2009)