Administrative fine update
The FEC has recently fined 185 political committees a total of $234,405 in civil penalties for filing late campaign finance reports or failing to file at all. Since the Administrative Fine Program's inception in 2000, the FEC has closed 1,596 cases and collected $2,148,633 in civil penalties.
Civil money penalties for late reports are determined by the number of days the report was late, the amount of financial activity involved and any prior penalties for violations under the administrative fines regulations. Penalties for nonfiled reports—and for reports filed so late as to be considered nonfiled—are also determined by the financial activity for the reporting period and any prior violations. Election sensitive reports, which include reports filed prior to an election (i.e. 12-day Pre-Election, October Quarterly and October Monthly reports), receive higher penalties. Penalties for 48-Hour Notices that are filed late or not at all are determined by the amount of the contribution(s) not timely reported and any prior violations.
The committee and the treasurer are assessed civil money penalties when the Commission makes its final determination. Unpaid civil penalties are referred to the Department of the Treasury for collection.
The committees fined as well as the fine amounts are listed in the December 5, 2007, press release, available on the Commission's web site at Closed Administrative Fine case files are available through the FEC Press Office and Public Records Office at 800/424-9530.