24-Hour Reporting of Independent Expenditures in the Last Month of the Election
. PACs, party committees and individuals/groups making independent expenditures that aggregate $1,000 or more and are made after 10/18 but more than 24 hours before Election Day must file 24-Hour Notices to disclose the expenditures. PACs and party committees report such expenditures using Schedule E [ PDF] [Instructions] [Online Webform]. Unregistered individuals/groups use FEC Form 5 [PDF] [Instructions] [Online Webform] to disclose not only the expenditure but also the name, address, occupation and employer of each person who made a contribution in excess of $200 for the purpose of furthering the reported independent expenditure. 11 CFR 109.10(e)(1)(vi). For more information on reporting independent expenditures, see your Campaign Guide or the brochure, Independent Expenditures.