How to comment on proposed rules and other rulemaking documents
Members of the public may submit written comments on proposed rules and other rulemaking documents through the Commission's Online Rulemaking System.
Click "Submit Comments on Ongoing Rulemakings."

Then click the yellow "Add Comment" button that appears next to the name of the rulemaking you wish to comment on. The commenting portal will open in your browser (either in a new tab or window) and will guide you through the steps necessary to submit your comment.

When the commenting portal opens, it will open to the "Select Representation" tab. On this tab, identify the person(s) or organization(s) on whose behalf you are submitting a comment. For further explanation of these options, please refer to the following sections. You are not required to create an account to submit a comment, but if you have previously saved a name and password for submitting comments to the Commission, log in on this page.
When you have selected the appropriate option, click "Next."

The representation options are:
On behalf of myself. Select this option if you are submitting a comment only on your own behalf and not on behalf of any group, organization or other entity.
Example: Arthur Fellow, submitting a comment signed only by himself.
As counsel to another person. Select this option if you are an attorney representing a single individual and submitting a comment on that individual's behalf.
Example: Attorney Janice Howard, submitting a comment on behalf of Arthur Fellow.
As counsel to a group of individuals. Select this option if you are an attorney representing more than one individual and submitting a joint comment on behalf of those individuals.
Example: Attorney Janice Howard, submitting a joint comment on behalf of Arthur Fellow, Sarah Pinderson, Bronson Garland and Randy Tull.
As counsel to an organization or group of organizations. Select this option if you are an attorney and submitting a comment on behalf of one or more organizations.
Example: Attorney Janice Howard, submitting a comment on behalf of the University of Springfield.
Example: Attorney Janice Howard, submitting a joint comment on behalf of Comment Corp. and Widget Enterprises.
As a representative or member of a group of individuals. Select this option if you are submitting a comment on behalf of yourself and a group of individuals, but are not acting as an attorney.
Example: Arthur Fellow, submitting a comment on behalf of himself, Sarah Pinderson and Bronson Garland.
As an officer, representative or member of an organization or group of organizations. Select this option if you are submitting a comment on behalf of an organization (or group of organizations), but are not acting as an attorney.
Example: Arthur Fellow, Executive Director, submitting a comment on behalf of the Commentston Chamber of Civil Engineers.
Next, on the "Commenter Information" tab, enter the appropriate contact information. The contact information entered here will not be published with your comment on the Commission's website.

If you are submitting a comment on behalf of another person or organization (either as an attorney or otherwise), you will be asked to provide both your own contact information and that of the person or organization on whose behalf you are submitting the comment. If you are submitting a comment on behalf of multiple persons or organizations, you may add each person or organization's contact information by clicking "Add another joint commenter."
Additionally, if you would like to create an account to fill in your name and address automatically on future visits, check the box at the top of this tab. You will be prompted to choose a password to associate with your account. On future visits, you may log in using that email address and password, and the fields on this tab will be automatically populated. If you do not want to create an account, leave the checkbox empty.
When you have provided the appropriate contact information, click "Next."
On the third tab, "Add Comments," you may enter up to 4000 characters of text, which will be posted as your comment. If you prefer to upload a comment as a Word, PDF or Word Perfect file format, you will do so on the next tab and do not need to enter any information on this tab. Because all information entered on this tab will be posted on the Commission's website, you should include only information that you want to make publicly available.
When you are ready to proceed, click "Next."

On the fourth tab, "Attach Files," you can upload a comment in Word, Word Perfect or PDF format. (The Commission does not accept any other file formats or PDFs with active content.) Click "Browse. . ." to locate the file that you wish to upload; once you have selected it, click "Attach Selected File."
You may submit up to three documents. Documents uploaded on the "Attach Files" tab will be posted without redaction on the Commission's website, so your uploaded documents should include only information that you want to make publicly available.
Once you are finished uploading documents, click "Submit." Your comment has not yet been submitted - you must still confirm your submission.

Upon clicking "Submit," you will be asked to review the information that you have entered, including your contact information, any text entered on the "Add Comments" tab and the names of any uploaded files. This is your last chance to review the information before it is submitted to the Commission. If any of the information is incorrect or you would like to modify your submission, click "Back" to correct it. Once you are ready to complete your submission, click "Submit."
When your comment has been submitted, the message "Successful Submission" will be displayed, with the date and time of your submission and the name and number of the rulemaking. You will not receive any other record of your submission, so you may want to print this page and retain it for your records. If the "Successful Submission" is not displayed, your submission has not been received by the Commission.