Registering a joint fundraising representative
A joint fundraising committee is a committee that has been set up for the purposes of fundraising for multiple committees at the same time or an existing committee that has been authorized to serve that purpose.
Joint fundraising representatives register using the Statement of Organization, Form 1.
Statement of Organization
The joint fundraising representative’s Statement of Organization must:
- Identify the committee as the joint fundraising representative;
- List the names and addresses of all federal committees participating in the joint fundraising effort; and
- Name the depository institution being used by the joint fundraising committee.
Page 1: Committee information
On Line 1, enter basic information about the committee, including:
- The full, official name of the committee.
- The address of record.
- The committee’s email address. A committee may list up to two email addresses. The Commission sends courtesy reporting reminders and other correspondence to the email addresses listed.
- The committee’s website address, if one exists.
On Line 2, enter the date the committee exceeded the $1,000 registration threshold and officially became a political committee.
On Line 3, enter the committee’s identification number. The FEC assigns each committee an identification number after the committee has filed a registration statement. This number is used by the FEC for computer indexing and is not the taxpayer identification number required by the Internal Revenue Service. Only committees that have previously filed a Statement of Organization should fill in this block with the number that was originally assigned to the committee. All new committees will be assigned identification numbers when the completed statement has been received, so a new committee leaves this field blank when they file the first Statement of Organization. Thereafter, the committee must enter the assigned FEC identification number on all statements and reports.
On Line 4, check "New" if you are filing the committee’s Form 1 for the first time. Otherwise, check "Amended."
The treasurer will sign and date the Statement of Organization at the bottom of the first page.
Page 2: Committee type
On Line 5, select
- Box 5(i) if the joint fundraising committee collects contributions, pays fundraising expenses and disburses net proceeds for two or more political committees/organizations, at least one of which is an authorized committee of a federal candidate.
- Box 5(j) if the joint fundraising committee collects contributions, pays fundraising expenses and disburses net proceeds for two or more political committees/organizations, none of which is an authorized committee of a federal candidate.
In addition, list all of the committees participating in the joint fundraiser and their FEC ID numbers.
Page 3: Affiliated committees, connected organizations, and committee officials
On Line 6, list the names and addresses of any committees affiliated with the registering committee, joint fundraising representatives or any sponsor of a Leadership PAC.If there are no affiliated committees or sponsors, then enter “none” on this line.
On Line 7, enter the name, address and committee position of the individual who has actual possession of the committee’s financial records. The committee’s treasurer, assistant treasurer or another person (such as an accountant or bookkeeper) may serve as the custodian of records.
On Line 8, provide the name and mailing address of the treasurer. The telephone number is optional, but is helpful in resolving potential filing problems.
Page 4: Committee officials and banks
Line 8, which designates committee officials, continues on page 4. The Commission urges political committees to name an assistant treasurer, or “designated agent.” Only a registered assistant treasurer may sign reports and statements in the treasurer’s absence.
On Line 9, list the name and address (but not the account number) of the campaign depositories the committee maintains for depositing receipts and making disbursements. Each political committee must maintain at least one checking account or transaction account at one of its depositories. The following institutions may be designated:
- State banks
- Federally chartered depository institutions, including national banks
- Depositories insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the National Credit Union Administration
Affiliated committees may not share the same bank account, though they may establish separate bank accounts at the same financial institution.
Amending the Statement of Organization
A committee must report any change or correction of information contained in its Statement of Organization within 10 days after the change. A committee may have to file an amendment, for example, to report a new treasurer, a new assistant treasurer, a new email address, a new joint fundraising committee authorized by the candidate, a change of address or a new campaign depository. The committee must indicate on Form 1 (or in a letter, if the committee does not file electronically) that the statement is an amendment to its registration.
The amount of information required on an amended Statement of Organization depends on whether the committee files on paper or electronically.
If the committee files electronically, submit a fully completed Form 1.
In the case of paper filers, the Form 1 or letter needs to include:
- The name and address of the committee (Line 1)
- The date the change took effect (Line 2)
- The FEC ID number (Line 3)
- An indication that the statement is an amendment to the Statement of Organization (Line 4)
- The changed information (appropriate line number)
- The name and signature of the treasurer (or assistant treasurer)
- The date signed
Reporting with FECFile
To create a new Statement of Organization, go to the Reports tab, right click and select "new." Then select “Form 1 (Statement of Organization).”
To amend a Statement of Organization, go to the Reports tab, click on the existing Statement of Organization in the list, right click on the report and select "amend."