MUR #8122
Lafazan for CongressSummary
RESPONDENTS: Lafazan for Congress; Lafazan, Joshua; Lawrence, Bryan H.; Lawrence, Elizabeth D.; Leibson, Alex
COMPLAINANT: Tancredi, John
SUBJECT: Contributions-Limitations; Contributions-In the name of another; Contributions-Excessive; Reporting
DISPOSITION: The Commission decided by a vote of 5-0 to take the following actions in MUR 8122:1. Find no reason to believe that Bryan H. Lawrence and Elizabeth D. Lawrence violated 52 U.S.C. § 30116(a)(1)(A) by making excessive contributions.2. Find no reason to believe that Lafazan for Congress and Alex Leibson in his official capacity as treasurer violated 52 U.S.C. § 30116(f) by accepting excessive contributions.3. Find no reason to believe that Lafazan for Congress and Alex Leibson in his official capacity as treasurer violated 52 U.S.C.§ 30104(b) by failing to report receipt of individual contributions.4. Find no reason to believe that Joshua Lafazan violated 52 U.S.C. § 30116(f) by accepting excessive contributions.5. Find no reason to believe that Bryan H. Lawrence and Elizabeth D. Lawrence violated 52 U.S.C. § 30122 by making a contribution made in the name of another.6. Find no reason to believe that Lafazan for Congress and Alex Leibson in his official capacity as treasurer violated 52 U.S.C. § 30122 by knowingly accepting a contribution made in the name of another.7. Find no reason to believe that Joshua Lafazan violated 52 U.S.C. § 30122 by knowingly accepting a contribution made in the name of another.8. Approve the Factual and Legal Analysis, as recommended in the First General Counsel’s Report dated January 11, 2024, subject to the revisions circulated by Chairman Cooksey’s Office on February 1, 2024 at 1:26pm.9. Approve the appropriate letters.10. Close the file.
Disposition | Penalty | Respondent | Citation |
No RTB | Lafazan for Congress |
52 U.S.C. §30116(f) 52 U.S.C. §30122 |
Lafazan, Joshua |
52 U.S.C. §30122 |
Lawrence, Bryan H. |
52 U.S.C. §30122 |
Leibson, Alex |
52 U.S.C. §30116(f) 52 U.S.C. §30122 |
Lawrence, Elizabeth D. |
52 U.S.C. §30122 |
Relationship | Name |
Primary respondent | Lafazan for Congress |
Previous respondent | Lafazan, Joshua |
Lawrence, Bryan H. | |
Lawrence, Elizabeth D. | |
Leibson, Alex | |
Complainant | Tancredi, John |
Respondent's counsel | Laurenza, Melissa |
Reiff, Neil P. |