Lobbyist/registrant committees file description
The lobbyist/registrant committees file lists political committees that have indicated that they are a lobbyist/registrant PAC on their Statement of Organization (Form 1).
Campaigns and leadership PACs controlled by candidates must disclose contributions beyond a certain threshold if they have been bundled by a lobbyist/registrant PAC. A bundled contribution is any contribution that is either:
Forwarded to a reporting committee by a lobbyist/registrant or lobbyist/registrant PAC or
Received by the reporting committee and credited to a lobbyist/registrant or lobbyist/registrant PAC through "records, designations, or other means of recognizing that a certain amount of money has been raised"
A political committee’s status depends on who established or controls it, so the political committee's status may change from time to time. Therefore, the list includes all Statements of Organization filed after a committee indicates that it is a lobbyist/registrant. The list also has a status indicator of “yes” or “no” because the committee’s status can change over time as well as the date the Statements were filed.
Column name | Field name | Data type | Description | Range | Explanation | Example data |
COM_ID | Committee ID | Character | Character C followed by eight digits | 9 characters | Unique nine characters identifier used by the Commission to identify each political committee. In general committee IDs begin with the letter C which is followed by eight numeric values | C00100502 |
COM_NAM | Committee name | Character | Name of committee or other entity registered with the FEC. | Max 90 characters | This includes a link to the Statement of Organization submitted by the committee | Founding Women of VA PAC |
LIN_IMA | Link to image of filing | URL | Filing on which committee is identified as lobbyist | Link to first page of statement of organization | http://docquery.fec.gov/cgi-bin/fecimg/?_201810139012345678+0 | |
IS_LOB | Lobbyist/registrant | Boolean | Y/N | Y - committee indicates it's a lobbyist/registrant PAC; N if a committee indicates it's no longer a lobbyist/registrant PAC | Y | |
DAT_FIL | Date filed | Date | MM/DD/YYYY | The date the Statement of Organization was submitted | 10/13/2018 |