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House and Senate map help

What's included here

This page summarizes financial information disclosed by each candidate who has registered with the Commission or appears on a state ballot in a race for the House or Senate during the selected two-year election cycle. States appearing in green are those holding Senate campaigns. The other states do not have Senate seats up for election this year. Information presented here covers from January 1 of the non-election year through the most recent filing for each candidate. Campaign committees generally file reports each quarter, with additional filings 12 days before the primary election in their state, 12 days before the general election and 30 days after the general. Information from those reports will be updated for national and state maps on the morning after reports are received.

Navigation tips

Select any state to find specific candidates in Senate campaigns and each of the House districts in the state. You can also search for specific candidates by entering their last name in the search box at the bottom of the map. Most of the pages in this section (national and state maps overall and for each candidate) use breadcrumbs near the top of the page to help with navigation. It's best to use these to move back through the system, rather than using the back button on your browser. Also, each of the maps allows you to "zoom-in" by right-clicking anywhere on the map and choosing the zoom-in option.

Receipts and disbursements summary

The "Summary" table on the right side of the page shows the breakdown of receipts and disbursements by party for all House and Senate candidates. Receipts include contributions, loans, and other revenue from all sources, adjusted only if there are two or more committees for a single candidate and those committees have passed funds among themselves. Disbursements include all spending by candidates in the selected cycle.

State maps

Selecting a state brings a page that shows a map of House districts on the left with summary financial activity below, and a second map on the right if there is a Senate campaign in the state with a summary of Senate campaign's financial activity below it. You can mouse over a district to see the candidates participating in campaigns in that district. You can also choose a specific district or House candidate or Senate candidate from the drop-down box at the top of the page. Selecting the map or on a category from the table (for example, "House Democrats") will bring up a page listing the candidates who meet the selection (district, or category).

Candidate lists

Selecting a particular race (either district or Senate race) brings a page listing each candidate, a breakdown of their receipts by source (i.e. the amounts coming in contributions from individual people, contributions from PACs, etc.) along with a pie chart depicting receipts by source. Disbursements, cash on hand, debts, and the ending date of the most recent financial report submitted by the campaign are also displayed. You can choose the type of receipt (for example, "Individuals") or a piece of the pie to see lists of the specific contributions that make up the total. (Note: In the case of individuals, only those people who have contributed more than $200 to the candidate must be listed separately. For other sources, all of the specific entries will be listed.)

Compare candidates

There is a check-box to the left of each candidate’s name where you can choose one or more candidates listed and then click the compare button to see bar chart comparisons of financial activity for the candidates you’ve chosen. Mouse over each bar to see the candidate’s name and total amount represented by the bar. Choose the bar to see the specific contributions included.

Individual candidate page

Selecting the name of a candidate brings you to a full listing of that campaign's financial activity, where links to each total will provide lists of the detailed entries that support that total. Here you can see, for example, the total amount of "operating expenditures" by the campaign but also, by selecting that title, see a list of all of the specific disbursements for normal operations.

Receipt and disbursement lists

Selecting a link to any of the receipt or disbursement categories displayed in the candidate list or on the candidate or committee pages retrieves a list of transactions as reported by the candidate's committees.

There are several special transaction types that use more than one entry in the table and can lead to double counting. "Individual Itemized Contributions" can include contributions from Partnerships where one row displays the total amount from the partnership and separate rows are included for each partner's contribution. "Operating Expenditures" sometimes include credit card payments where one row shows the payment to the credit card company and separate rows show the vendors included in the payment. In these cases, the "Memo Code" column will contain an 'X' for the itemized rows to show that the amounts are already reported in the credit card company or partnership row. Other transactions that use the memo text column include earmarked contributions, reattributions and redesignations.