Electioneering communications file description
The electioneering communications file contains disbursement transactions disclosed as electioneering communications. These are broadcast ads (radio, tv or satellite) that are:
- Sponsored by individuals or groups that are not political committees (i.e. not campaigns, PACs or parties)
- Distributed within 30 days of a primary election or 60 days of the general election
- Make reference to a federal candidate and
- Are targeted to the relevant electorate
Electioneering communications are disclosed in two parts:
- The recipient, cost, purchase, and distribution dates of the expenditure
- The candidate or candidates identified in the communication
When more than one candidate is listed, the disclosure does not indicate how much of the expenditure should be allocated to each candidate listed. In an effort to help users work with this complicated data, the expenditure has been divided equally by the number of candidates named in the report. The resulting dataset shows the reported expenditure amount, the number of reported candidates and the calculated pro rata amount per candidate.
Possible duplicated data
For the current two-year cycle, electioneering communications are added to this file each morning. If an entity files an amendment to an original report, an automated process attempts to match the coverage and public distribution dates reported in order to include only the most up-to-date information in the file. We recommend that users check the actual electioneering communication filings to ensure that the same disbursement is not counted more than once.
This file includes all transactions with disbursement dates beginning January 1, 2007. Please note that this file includes only reports disclosing disbursement activity; reports disclosing only receipts or no activity are not included.
For prior election cycles, electioneering communications have already been streamlined to include only the latest amendment.
Electioneering communications file format
Column name | Field name | Position | Data type | Explanation | Example data |
CANDIDATE_ID | Candidate ID | 1 | Character | A 9-character alpha-numeric code assigned to a candidate by the Federal Election Commission. The candidate ID for a specific candidate remains the same across election cycles as long as the candidate is running for the same office. | H8VA01233 |
CANDIDATE_NAME | Candidate name | 2 | Character | Martha Washington | |
CANDIDATE_OFFICE | Candidate office | 3 | Character | H = House P = President S = Senate |
H |
CANDIDATE_STATE | Candidate state | 4 | Character | House = state of race President = US Senate = state of race |
VA |
Candidate district | 5 | Character | Congressional district number. Congressional at large 00 Senate 00 Presidential 00 |
01 |
Committee ID | 6 | Character | Electioneering Communication filer's 9 character ID, starts with C | C30010005 |
Filer ID | 7 | Character | A 9-character alpha-numeric code assigned to a committee by the Federal Election Commission. The filer ID for a specific committee always remains the same. | American National Alliance |
Image number | 8 | Number | Indicates the image location of the disbursement 11-digit Image Number Format YYOORRRFFFF YY - scanning year OO - office (01 - House, 02 - Senate, 03 - FEC Paper, 90-99 - FEC Electronic) RRR - reel number FFFF- frame number 18-digit Image Number Format (June 29, 2015) YYYYMMDDSSPPPPPPPP YYYY - scanning year MM - scanning month DD - scanning day SS - source (02 - Senate, 03 - FEC Paper, 90-99 - FEC Electronic) PPPPPPPP - page (reset to zero every year on January 1) |
201805119012345678 |
Payee name | 9 | Character | ABC Media, Inc | |
Payee street address | 10 | Character | 123 Front Street | |
Payee city | 11 | Character | Arlington | |
Payee state | 12 | Character | TX | |
Disbursement description | 13 | Character | Advertisement | |
Disbursement date | 14 | Date | Date reported on Schedule 9-B | 05/10/2018 |
Communication date | 15 | Date | Date reported on Schedule 9-B | 05/10/2018 |
Date of public distribution | 16 | Date | Date reported on Form 9 page 1 | 05/10/2018 |
Reported disbursement amount | 17 | Number | Amount reported on Schedule 9-B | 10,000.00 |
NUMBER_OF_CANDIDATES | Number of candidates | 18 | Number | Number of candidates reported on Schedule 9-B associated with a specific disbursement | 1 |
CALCULATED_CANDIDATE_SHARE | Calculated share per candidate | 19 | Number | Calculated share equals reported disbursement amount divided by number of candidates | 10,000.00 |