Committee summary file description
The committee summary file contains financial information for each committee registered with the Federal Election Commission, including:
- Federal political action committees and party committees
- Campaign committees for presidential, house, and senate candidates
- Groups or organizations spending money for or against candidates for federal office
The information is available for the current election and for historical elections starting with the 2008 election.
Committees provide a summary of their financial activity in each filing. In addition, the filings contain financial activity broken down by category. These summaries and breakdowns are combined for the full two year period to create the committee summary file. The totals cover from January 1 of the year before the election through the most recent report submitted by the committees.
Data timing
The financial information is updated nightly based on electronic reports received or paper reports that have been computerized through 7 pm the previous day.
During the primary election season, the period covered may be different for candidates in different states, depending on their primary dates.
Committee summary file format
Column name | Field name | Data type | Description | Range | Description | Example data |
Link_Image | Link to committee profle page | URL | Link to committee profle page | Link to financial information, filings submitted by this committee and letters from the FEC asking for additional information | | |
CMTE_ID | Committee ID | Character | Character C followed by eight digits | 9 characters | Unique nine characters identifier used by the Commission to identify each political committee. In general committee IDs begin with the letter C which is followed by eight | C00100005 |
CMTE_NM | Committee name | Character | Name of committee or other entity registered with the FEC | Max 200 characters | This is the name of the campaign committee or leadership PAC reporting that they received contributions bundled by lobbyists | Martha Washington for Congress |
CMTE_TP | Committee type | Character | Code for type of committee | 1 character | More about committee types | H |
CMTE_DSGN | Committee designation | Character | Code for committee designation | 1 character | A = authorized by a candidate; J = joint fundraising committee; P = principal campaign committee of a candidate; U = unauthorized; B = lobbyist/registrant PAC; D = leadership PAC |
P |
CMTE_FILING_FREQ | Filing frequency | Character | 1 character | M=monthly; Q=quarterly; T=terminated; A=administratively terminated | Q | |
CMTE_ST1 | Address | Text | Postal street address provided by the committee | Mailing addresses for committees do not necessarily reflect the actual geographic focus of the organization. Many PACs, for example, use Washington area addresses | 1001 George Washington Hwy | |
CMTE_ST2 | Address | Text | Mailing addresses for committees do not necessarily reflect the actual geographic focus of the organization. Many PACs, for example, use Washington area addresses | |||
CMTE_CITY | City | Text | Mailing address for committee | Alexandria | ||
CMTE_ST | State | Character | Postal abbreviation | 2 characters | VA | |
CMTE_ZIP | ZIP Code | Number | 5 digits | May be either 5 or 9 digits | 22201 | |
TRES_NM | Treasurer's name | Text | Name of the current committee treasurer | Alexander Hamilton | ||
CAND_ID | Candidate ID | Character | 9 characters | First character indicates office sought - H=House, S=Senate, P=Presidential. Characters 3 & 4 are the state abbreviation for Congressional candidates | H0CA00000 | |
FEC_ELECTION_YR | FEC election year | Number | 4 digits | 2018 | ||
INDV_CONTB | Individual contribution | Currency | Total contributions from individuals | Sum of the previous 2 fields (e.g. ind_ite_con and ind_uni_con) | 10,000.00 | |
PTY_CMTE_CONTB | Party committee contribution | Currency | Contributions from party committees | This must be itemized regardless of amount | 10,000.00 | |
OTH_CMTE_CONTB | Other committee contribution | Currency | Contributions from other committees | Mostly contributions from PACs, also includes contributions from other candidates. These also must be itemized regardless of amount | 10,000.00 | |
TTL_CONTB | Total contribution | Currency | Sum of contributions from all sources | 10,000.00 | ||
TRANF_FROM_OTHER_AUTH_CMTE | Transfer from other authorized committee | Currency | Transfers received from other affiliated or authorized committees | Candidates may have more than one committee working for their election (including joint fundraising committees). PAC sponsors may have more than one committee, but all would be treated as one for limitation purposes. Transfers from others within the set appear here | 10,000.00 | |
OFFSETS_TO_OP_EXP | Offsets to operating expenditure | Currency | E.g. refunds of deposits, etc. | 10,000.00 | ||
OTHER_RECEIPTS | Other receipts | Currency | E.g. interest on bank deposits, capital gains, etc. | 10,000.00 | ||
TTL_RECEIPTS | Total receipts | Currency | Sum of all receipts | 10,000.00 | ||
TRANF_TO_OTHER_AUTH_CMTE | Transfer to other authorized committee | Currency | Transfers made to other affiliated or authorized committees | 10,000.00 | ||
OTH_LOAN_REPYMTS | Other loan repayment | Currency | Loan repayments to other sources | 10,000.00 | ||
INDV_REF | Individual refund | Currency | Contribution refunds made to individuals | 10,000.00 | ||
POL_PTY_CMTE_REF | Political party committee refund | Currency | Refunds made to political party committees | 10,000.00 | ||
TTL_CONTB_REF | Total contribution refund | Currency | Sum of contribution refunds made to all sources | 10,000.00 | ||
OTHER_DISB | Other disbursement | Currency | E.g. contributions to charities or to state or local candidates | 10,000.00 | ||
TTL_DISB | Total disbursement | Currency | Sum of all disbursements | 10,000.00 | ||
NET_CONTB | Net contribution | Currency | Sum of contributions received minus any refunds made | 10,000.00 | ||
NET_OP_EXP | Net operating expenditure | Currency | Sum of operating expenditures minus any offsets | 10,000.00 | ||
COH_BOP | Cash on hand beginning of period | Currency | Cash balance for the committee at the start of the two-year period | 10,000.00 | ||
CVG_START_DT | Coverage start date | Date | MM/DD/YYYY | Beginning date for the first report during the two year period | 01/01/2017 | |
COH_COP | Cash on hand closing of period | Currency | Ending cash balance on the most recent filing | 10,000.00 | ||
CVG_END_DT | Coverage end date | Date | MM/DD/YYYY | Ending date of the most recent report | 04/15/2018 | |
DEBTS_OWED_BY_CMTE | Debt owed by committee | Currency | 10,000.00 | |||
DEBTS_OWED_TO_CMTE | Debt owed to committee | Currency | 10,000.00 | |||
INDV_ITEM_CONTB | Individual itemized contribution | Currency | Sum of itemized contributions from individuals | Contributions must be itemized (i.e. listing specific information about the donor and the contribution) when the total given to the committee from a single individual exceeds $200. | 10,000.00 | |
INDV_UNITEM_CONTB | Individual unitemized contribution | Currency | Sum of unitemized contributions from individuals | Total given to the campaign where specific information about the donors is not required because they have not given more than $200 | 10,000.00 | |
OTH_LOANS | Other loan | Currency | Sum of loans from other sources | 10,000.00 | ||
TRANF_FROM_NONFED_ACCT | Transfer from non federal account | Currency | Funds outside federal restrictions used for activities that include state or local candidates | Applies only to state or local party committees and some PACs | 10,000.00 | |
TRANF_FROM_NONFED_LEVIN | Transfer from non federal Levin account | Currency | Special nonfederal funds for specific activities of state or local party committees | Applies only to state or local party committees | 10,000.00 | |
TTL_NONFED_TRANF | Total non federal transfer | Currency | Sum of the previous 2 fields | 10,000.00 | ||
LOAN_REPYMTS_RECEIVED | Loan repayments received | Currency | 10,000.00 | |||
OFFSETS_TO_FNDRSG | Offsets to fundraising expenses (Presidential only) | Currency | Applies only to Presidential candidates receiving public matching funds in the primaries | 10,000.00 | ||
OFFSETS_TO_LEGAL_ACCTG | Offsets to legal/accounting expenses (Presidential only) | Currency | Applies only to Presidential candidates receiving public matching funds in the primaries | 10,000.00 | ||
FED_CAND_CONTB_REF | Federal candidate contribution refund | Currency | Contribution refunds received | Refunds received from federal campaigns or other committees | 10,000.00 | |
TTL_FED_RECEIPTS | Total federal receipt | Currency | Sum of all receipts within federal limits and restrictions | 10,000.00 | ||
SHARED_FED_OP_EXP | Shared federal operating expenditure | Currency | Federal share of any spending combining federal and state/local activity | 10,000.00 | ||
SHARED_NONFED_OP_EXP | Shared non-federal operating expenditure | Currency | Nonfederal share of any spending combining federal and state/local activity | 10,000.00 | ||
OTH_FED_OPE_EXP | Other federal operating expenditures | Currency | Parties and some PACs only - line 21b of form 3X | 10,000.00 | ||
TTL_OP_EXP | Total operating expenditure | Currency | Line 21c of form 3X used by PACs and parties | 10,000.00 | ||
FED_CAND_CMTE_CONTB | Federal candidate committee contribution | Currency | Contributions to federal campaigns or other federal committees (e.g. PACs or parties) | 10,000.00 | ||
INDT_EXP | Independent expenditures made | Currency | Spending advocating the election or defeat of specific candidates made without coordination with the campaign | 10,000.00 | ||
COORD_EXP_BY_PTY_CMTE | Coordinated expenditure (party only) | Currency | Limited expenditures by party committees that may be coordinates with candidates | 10,000.00 | ||
LOANS_MADE | Loan made | Currency | 10,000.00 | |||
SHARED_FED_ACTVY_FED_SHR | Federal share of joint Federal Election Activity | Currency | Party committees only - federal election activity is a special subset of party spending. | 10,000.00 | ||
SHARED_FED_ACTVY_NONFED | Non-federal share of joint Federal Election Activity | Currency | Party committees only - federal election activity is a special subset of party spending | 10,000.00 | ||
NON_ALLOC_FED_ELECT_ACTVY | Non-allocated Federal Election Activity (Party only) | Currency | Party committees only | 10,000.00 | ||
TTL_FED_ELECT_ACTVY | Total Federal Election Activity | Currency | Party committees only | 10,000.00 | ||
TTL_FED_DISB | Total federal disbursement | Currency | Sum of all exclusively federal disbursements | 10,000.00 | ||
CAND_CNTB | Candidate contribution | Currency | Contributions from the candidate | Applies only to campaign comittees | 10,000.00 | |
CAND_LOAN | Candidate loan | Currency | Sum of loans from the candidate | Applies only to campaign comittees | 10,000.00 | |
TTL_LOANS | Total loan | Currency | Sum of all loans | 10,000.00 | ||
OP_EXP | Operating expenditure | Currency | Total spending for operating activities | Applies to candidate committees | 10,000.00 | |
CAND_LOAN_REPYMNT | Candidate loan repayment | Currency | Repayments to the candidate | Applies only to campaign comittees | 10,000.00 | |
TTL_LOAN_REPYMTS | Total loan repayment | Currency | Sum of all loan repayments | 10,000.00 | ||
OTH_CMTE_REF | Other committee refund | Currency | contribution refunds made to other committees | Mainly PACs or other candidates | 10,000.00 | |
TTL_OFFSETS_TO_OP_EXP | Total offsets to operating expenditure | Currency | Offsets include, for example, refunds of deposits required for the use of phone banks or other similar services | 10,000.00 | ||
EXEMPT_LEGAL_ACCTG_DISB | Exempt legal/accounting disbursement (Presidential only) | Currency | Applies only to Presidential candidates receiving public matching funds in the primaries | 10,000.00 | ||
FNDRSG_DISB | Fundraising disbursement | Currency | Applies only to Presidential candidates receiving public matching funds in the primaries | 10,000.00 | ||
ITEM_REF_REB_RET | Itemized refunds or rebates | Currency | Applies only to national party convention and host committees | 10,000.00 | ||
SUBTTL_REF_REB_RET | Subtotal refunds or rebates | Currency | Applies only to national party convention and host committees | 10,000.00 | ||
UNITEM_REF_REB_RET | Unitemized refunds or rebates | Currency | Applies only to national party convention and host committees | 10,000.00 | ||
ITEM_OTHER_REF_REB_RET | Itemized other refunds or rebates | Currency | Applies only to national party convention and host committees | 10,000.00 | ||
UNITEM_OTHER_REF_REB_RET | Unitemized other refunds or rebates | Currency | Applies only to national party convention and host committees | 10,000.00 | ||
SUBTTL_OTHER_REF_REB_RETB | Subtotal other refunds or rebates | Currency | Applies only to national party convention and host committees | 10,000.00 | ||
ITEM_OTHER_INCOME | Itemized other income | Currency | Applies only to national party convention and host committees | 10,000.00 | ||
UNITEM_OTHER_INCOME | Unitemized other income | Currency | Applies only to national party convention and host committees | 10,000.00 | EXP_PRIOR_YRS_SUBJECT_LIM | Expenditures subject to limit - prior year (Presidential only) | Currency | Applies only to Presidential candidates receiving public matching funds in the primaries | 10,000.00 |
EXP_SUBJECT_LIMITS | Expenditures subject to limit | Currency | Applies only to Presidential candidates receiving public matching funds in the primaries | 10,000.00 | ||
FED_FUNDS | Federal funds | Currency | Applies only to Presidential candidates receiving public matching funds in the primaries | 10,000.00 | ||
ITEM_CONVN_EXP_DISB | Itemized convention expenditure (Convention committee only) | Currency | Applies only to national party convention and host committees | 10,000.00 | ||
ITEM_OTHER_DISB | Itemized other disbursement | Currency | Applies only to national party convention and host committees | 10,000.00 | ||
SUBTTL_CONVN_EXP_DISB | Subtotal convention expenses | Currency | Applies only to national party convention and host committees | 10,000.00 | ||
TTL_EXP_SUBJECT_LIMITS | Total expenditures subject to limit (Presidential only) | Currency | Applies only to Presidential candidates receiving public matching funds in the primaries | 10,000.00 | ||
UNITEM_CONVN_EXP_DISB | Unitemized convention expenses | Currency | Applies only to national party convention and host committees | 10,000.00 | ||
UNITEM_OTHER_DISB | Unitemized other disbursements | Currency | Applies only to national party convention and host committees | 10,000.00 | ||
TTL_COMMUNICATION_COSTS | Total communication cost | Currency | Special filings used only for this purpose | Communications advocating candidates by membership organizations exclusively to their members | 10,000.00 | |
COH_BOY | Cash on hand beginning of year | Currency | 10,000.00 | |||
COH_COY | Cash on hand closing of year | Currency | 10,000.00 | |||
ORG_TP | Organization type | Character | Code for type of organization | 1 character | C = Corporation, L = Labor Organization, M = Membership Organization, T = Trade Association, V = Cooperative, W = Corporation Without Capital Stock |
C |