Formula calculations for statistical tables: election cycles from 1975 through 2010
Presidential candidate tables
The figures presented in presidential tables 1 and 2 have been calculated by summing the data reported by all authorized committees of presidential candidates* on the line numbers and columns of the Summary and Detailed Summary Pages of Form 3P as listed on this page.
*Only presidential candidates who raised more than $100,000 in contributions from individuals other than the candidate, or spent $100,000, are included in these tables.
Presidential table 1
Federal funds | Line 16, Column A |
Contributions from Individuals | Line 17a(iii), Column A |
Contributions from Parties | Line 17b, Column A |
Contributions from Committees | Line 17c, Column A |
Contributions/Loans from the Candidate | Line 17d, Column A |
Total Contributions | Line 17e, Column A |
Transfers | Line 18, Column A |
Candidate Loans | Line 19a, Column A |
Other Loans | Line 19b, Column A |
Offsets to Expenditures | Line 20a, Column A + Line 20b, Column A + Line 20c, Column A |
Other Receipts | Line 21, Column A |
Total | Line 22, Column A |
Presidential table 2
Operating Expenditures | Line 23, Column A |
Transfers to Other Committees | Line 24, Column A |
Fundraising Disbursements | Line 25, Column A |
Legal & Accounting Disbursements | Line 26, Column A |
Candidate Loan Repayments | Line 27a, Column A |
Other Loan Repayments | Line 27b, Column A |
Contribution Refunds | Line 28a, Column A + Line 28b, Column A + Line 28c, Column A |
Other Disbursements | Line 29, Column A |
Total Disbursements | Line 30, Column A |
Latest Cash on Hand | Line 10 |
Debts Owed by Campaign | Line 12 |
Debts Owed to Campaign | Line 11 |
Congressional candidate tables
Congressional candidate table 1
The figures presented in congressional candidate table 1 have been calculated by summing the data reported by House and Senate candidate committees (committee types H and S) on the line numbers and columns from the Summary and Detailed Summary Pages of Form 3 as listed on this page.
Number | Number of House and Senate candidates who filed campaign reports to the Commission with financial activity, total receipts or total disbursements greater than $0 |
Receipts | Form 3 Line 16, Column A |
Contributions from Individuals | Form 3 Line 11a(iii), Column A |
Contributions from Other Committees | Form 3 Line 11c, Column A |
Candidate Contributions and Loans | Form 3 Line 11d, Column A plus Form 3 Line 13a, Column A |
Disbursements | Form 3 Line 22, Column A |
Cash on Hand | Form 3 Line 8 |
Debts | Form 3 Line 10 |
Congressional candidate table 2
The figures presented in congressional candidate table 2 have been calculated by summing the data reported by Senate candidate committees (committee type S) on the line numbers and columns from the Summary and Detailed Summary Pages of Form 3 as listed on this page. Non-financial Senate candidate information is reported on the candidate's Statement of Candidacy, Form 2.
State | Form 2 Line 6 |
Candidate | Form 2 Line 1 |
Party | Form 2 Line 4 |
Incumbent/Challenger/Open | The information in this field is determined from multiple sources including the Clerk of the House of Representatives, the Secretary of the Senate, candidate announcements and news reports. |
Two-Year Period | 24-month period beginning on January 1 of an odd year and ending on December 31 of an even year. |
Receipts | Form 3 Line 16, Column A |
Contributions from Individuals | Form 3 Line 11a(iii), Column A |
Contributions from PACs and Other Committees | Form 3 Line 11c, Column A |
Contributions/Loans from the Candidate | Form 3 Line 11d, Column A plus Form 3 Line 13a, Column A |
Transfers | Form 3 Line 12, Column A |
Disbursements | Form 3 Line 22, Column A |
Cash on Hand | Form 3 Line 8 |
Debts Owed | Form 3 Line 10 |
Congressional candidate table 3a-3g
The total amounts in the Top 50 tables have been calculated by summing the data reported by Senate candidate committees (committee type S) on the line numbers and columns from the Summary and Detailed Summary Pages of Form 3 as listed on this page. Senate candidate information is reported on the candidate's Statement of Candidacy, Form 2.
Rank | Rank 1-50 descending by amount |
Candidate Name | Form 2 Line 1 |
State | Form 2 Line 6 |
Party | Form 2 Line 4 |
Incumbent/Challenger/Open | The information in this field is determined from multiple sources including the Clerk of the House of Representatives, the Secretary of the Senate, candidate announcements and news reports. |
Receipts | Form 3 Line 16, Column A |
Contributions from Individuals | Form 3 Line 11a(iii), Column A |
Contributions from PACs and Other Committees | Form 3 Line 11c, Column A |
Contributions/Loans from the Candidate | Form 3 Line 11d, Column A plus Form 3 Line 13a, Column A |
Disbursements | Form 3 Line 22, Column A |
Cash on Hand | Form 3 Line 8 |
Debts Owed | Form 3 Line 10 |
Congressional candidate table 4
The figures presented in congressional candidate table 4 have been calculated by summing the data reported by House candidate committees (committee type H) on the line numbers and columns from the Summary and Detailed Summary Pages of Form 3 as listed on this page. House candidate information is reported on the candidate's Statement of Candidacy, Form 2.
State | Form 2 Line 6 |
District | Form 2 Line 6 |
Candidate | Form 2 Line 1 |
Party | Form 2 Line 4 |
Incumbent/Challenger/Open | The information in this field is determined from multiple sources including the Clerk of the House of the Representatives, the Secretary of the Senate, candidate announcements and news reports. |
Receipts | Form 3 Line 16, Column A |
Contributions from Individuals | Form 3 Line 11a(iii), Column A |
Contributions from PACs and Other Committees | Form 3 Line 11c, Column A |
Contributions/Loans from the Candidate | Form 3 Line 11d, Column A plus Form 3 Line 13a, Column A |
Disbursements | Form 3 Line 22, Column A |
Cash on Hand | Form 3 Line 8 |
Debts Owed | Form 3 Line 10 |
Congressional candidate table 5a-8g
The total amounts in the Top 50 tables have been calculated by summing the data reported by House candidate committees (committee type H) on the line numbers and columns from the Summary and Detailed Summary Pages of Form 3 as listed on this page. House candidate information is reported on the candidate's Statement of Candidacy, Form 2.
ank | Rank 1-50 descending by amount |
Candidate | Form 2 Line 1 |
State | Form 2 Line 6 |
District | Form 2 Line 6 |
Party | Form 2 Line 4 |
Incumbent/Challenger/Open | The information in this field is determined from multiple sources including the Clerk of the House of the Representatives, the Secretary of the Senate, candidate announcements and news reports. |
Receipts | Form 3 Line 16, Column A |
Contributions from Individuals | Form 3 Line 11a(iii), Column A |
Contributions from PACs and Other Committees | Form 3 Line 11c, Column A |
Contributions/Loans from the Candidate | Form 3 Line 11d, Column A plus Form 3 Line 13a, Column A |
Disbursements | Form 3 Line 22, Column A |
Cash on Hand | Form 3 Line 8 |
Debts Owed | Form 3 Line 10 |
National party committee tables
National party committee table 1
The total figures presented in party table 1 have been calculated by summing the data reported by national party committees* on the line numbers and columns from the Summary and Detailed Summary Pages of Form 3X or from specific lines on Schedule A or Schedule B, as listed on this page.
Receipts (total receipts) | Line 19, Column A |
Individuals | Line 11a(iii), Column A |
Other Committees | Line 11c, Column A |
Transfers from other National Committees | Line 12, Column A or Line 17, Column A, with transaction type 18G and contributor ID indicating the other national party committee that made the transfer. |
Transfers from State/Local Parties | Line 12, Column A or Line 17, Column A with transaction type 18G and contributor ID indicating the state or local party committee that made the transfer. |
Disbursements (total disbursements) | Line 31, Column A |
Contributions | Line 23, Column A |
Coordinated Expenditures | Line 25, Column A |
Independent Expenditures | Line 24, Column A |
Transfers to other National | Line 22, Column A or Line 23, Column A, with transaction type 24G and recipient ID indicating the other national party committee that received the transfer. |
Transfers to State/Local | Line 22, Column A or Line 23, Column A, with transaction type 24G and recipient ID indicating the state or local party committee that received the transfer. |
Cash on Hand | Line 8 |
Debts Owed By | Line 10 |
*The six Democratic and Republican national party committees are:
- DNC Service Corp / National Democratic Committee (DNC) (C00010603);
- DSCC (C00042366);
- DCCC (C00000935);
- Republican National Committee (RNC) (C00003418);
- NRSC (C00027466); and
- NRCC (C00075820).
Other party committees include:
- The Constitution Party National Committee (C00279802);
- Green Party of the United States (C00370221);
- Libertarian National Committee (C00255695);
- Reform Party of the United States (C00331314);
- Green Senatorial Campaign Committee (C00428664); and
- Libertarian National Congressional Committee (C00418103).
National party committee tables 2 and 3
The total figures presented in party tables 2 and 3 have been calculated by summing the data reported by Democratic and Republican national party committees on the line numbers and columns from the Summary and Detailed Summary Pages of Form 3X or from specific lines on Schedule A or Schedule B, as listed on this page.
Receipts (total receipts) | Line 19, Column A |
Individuals | Line 11a(iii), Column A |
Other Committees | Line 11c, Column A |
Transfers from other National Committees | Line 12, Column A or Line 17, Column A, with transaction type 18G and contributor ID indicating the other national party committee that made the transfer. |
Transfers from State/Local Parties | Line 12, Column A or Line 17, Column A, with transaction type 18G and contributor ID indicating the state or local party committee that made the transfer. |
Disbursements (total disbursements) | Line 31, Column A |
Contributions | Line 23, Column A |
Coordinated Expenditures | Line 25, Column A |
Independent Expenditures | Line 24, Column A |
Transfers to other National | Line 22, Column A or Line 23, Column A, with transaction type 24G and recipient ID indicating the other national party committee that received the transfer. |
Transfers to State/Local | Line 22, Column A or Line 23, Column A, with transaction type 24G and recipient indicating the state or local party committee that received the transfer. |
Cash on Hand | Line 8 |
Debts Owed By | Line 10 |
State and local party committees (federal funds) of national party tables 2 and 3
State and local party committees are party committees, with the exception of host committees, convention committees, committees located in Washington, DC and those national committees listed on this page.
Receipts (total receipts) | Line 19, Column A - Line 18c, Column A |
Individuals | Line 11a(iii), Column A |
Other Committees | Line 11c, Column A |
Transfers from other National Committees | Sum of transfers to state and local parties reported by the national party committees. |
Transfers from State/Local Parties | Line 12, Column A or Line 17, Column A with transaction type 18G and contributor ID indicating the state or local party committee that made the transfer. |
Disbursements (total disbursements) | Line 31, Column A minus Line 21aii, Column A plus Line 30aii, Column A |
Contributions | Line 23, Column A |
Coordinated Expenditures | Line 25, Column A |
Independent Expenditures | Line 24, Column A |
Transfers to other National Committees | Sum of transfers from state and local parties reported by the national party committees |
Transfers to State/Local Parties | Line 22, Column A or Line 23, Column A, with transaction type 24G and recipient ID recipient indicating the state or local party committee that received the transfer. |
Cash on Hand | Line 8 |
Debts Owed By | Line 10 |
Total party financial activity of national party tables 2 and 3
Receipts (total receipts) | National party receipts plus state and local receipts minus the sum of transfers from national parties and transfers from state and local parties |
Individuals | National party individual contributions plus state and local party individual contributions |
Other Committees | National party other committee contributions plus state and local other committee contributions |
Transfers from other National Committees | National party transfers from national parties plus state and local transfers from national parties |
Transfers from State/Local Parties | National party transfers from state and local parties plus state and local transfers from state and local parties |
Disbursements (total disbursements) | National party disbursements plus state and local disbursements minus the sum of transfers from national parties and transfers from state and local parties |
Contributions | National party contributions to candidates and committees plus state and local contributions to candidates and committees |
Coordinated Expenditures | National party coordinated expenditures plus state and local coordinated expenditures |
Independent Expenditures | National party independent expenditures plus state and local independent expenditures |
Transfers to other National | National party transfers to national parties plus state and local transfers to national parties |
Transfers to State/Local | National party transfers to state and local parties plus state and local party transfers to state and local parties |
Cash on Hand | National party cash on hand plus state and local cash on hand |
Debts Owed By | National party debts owed by plus state and local debts owed by |
Political action committee (PAC) tables
PAC table 1
The figures presented in PAC table 1 have been calculated by summing the data reported by PACs, (committee types N for nonqualified and Q for qualified) on the line numbers and columns from the Summary and Detailed Summary Pages of Form 3X as listed on this page.
Number of Committees | Number of committees that were active at any point during the covered reporting period |
Total Receipts | Form 3X Line 19, Column A |
Total Disbursements | Form 3X Line 31, Column A |
Debts Owed By | Form 3X Line 10 |
Cash on Hand | Form 3X Line 8 |
Connected organization type is reported on Form 1 Lines 5(e) and 6. | |
Nonconnected | The committee has not selected any organization type from Form 1 Line 5(e), or the committee has selected 'Membership Organization' on Form 1 Line 5(e) and Line 6 is blank, or the committee has selected 'Membership Organization' on Form 1 Line 5(e) and Line 6 contains the word 'NONE'. |
Corporate | The committee has selected 'Corporation' on Form 1 Line 5(e). |
Labor | The committee has selected 'Labor Organization' on Form 1 Line 5(e). |
Trade | The committee has selected 'Trade Association' on Form 1 Line 5(e). |
Membership | The committee has selected 'Membership Organization' on Form 1 Line 5(e) and Line 6 is not blank and does not contain the word 'NONE'. |
Cooperative | The committee has selected 'Cooperative' on Form 1 Line 5(e). |
Corporation without Capital Stock | The committee has selected 'Corporation w/o Capital Stock' on Form 1 Line 5(e). |
PAC tables 2a-9d
The total amounts in the Top 50 tables have been calculated by summing the data reported by PACs (committee types N and Q) on the line numbers and columns from the Summary and Detailed Summary Pages of Form 3X as listed on this page, then ranking them in descending order.
Rank | Rank |
ID # | ID # |
Committee | Committee |
Total Receipts | Total Receipts |
Total Disbursements | Total Disbursements |
Debts owed By | Debts owed By |
Cash on Hand | Cash on Hand |
Connected organization type | Connected organization type |
Nonconnected | Non-Connected |
Corporate | Corporate |
Labor | Labor |
Trade | Trade |
Membership | Membership |
Cooperative | Cooperative |
Corporation without Capital Stock | Corporation without Capital Stock |
Independent expenditure tables
Independent expenditure table 1
The independent expenditures included in independent expenditure table 1 were reported by political committees registered with the Commission on Schedule E of Form 3X within the given reporting period. Political committees are required to submit 24- and 48-hour notices of these communications, but must also report them on their next scheduled quarterly, monthly or election-sensitive report. In order to avoid duplicate entries in the table below, only Schedule E transactions from a quarterly, monthly or election-sensitive report are included here, and amendments have replaced original filings.
ID # | Filer's FEC ID |
Committee/Individual | Filer’s name |
Filer type: | |
Party - committee types X and Y | |
PAC – committee types N and Q | |
Filer | Single Candidate IE – committee type U |
Super PAC – committee type O | |
Hybrid PAC – committee types V and W | |
Senate – committee type S | |
Date | Expenditure date reported on Form 3X Schedule E Line 24 |
Amount | Expenditure amount reported on Form 3X Schedule E Line 24 |
Image | Image location on the FEC website |
Support/Oppose | Support or Oppose indicator reported on Form 3X Schedule E Line 24 |
Candidate | Candidate ID |
Independent expenditure table 2
The independent expenditures included in independent expenditure table 2 were reported by persons other than political committees on Form 5 within the given reporting period. Persons other than political committees are required to submit 24- and 48-hour notices of these communications, but must also report them on their next quarterly, monthly or election-sensitive report. The table below shows all Form 5 submissions, including both original filings and all subsequent amendments. Simply summing all of these expenditures will generate an inflated total amount for a particular reporting period.
ID # | Filer's FEC ID |
Committee/Individual | Filer's name |
Filer | Committee type I |
Date | Expenditure date reported on Form 5 Schedule E |
Amount | Expenditure amount reported on Form 5 Schedule E |
Image | Image location on the FEC website |
Report | Report type |
Amendment | N – new, A - amendment |
Support/Oppose | Support or Oppose indicator reported on Form 5 Schedule E |
Candidate | Candidate ID |
Electioneering communication table
Electioneering communication table 1
The electioneering communications included in electioneering communications table 1 were reported to the Commission on Form 9 within the given reporting period. The table below shows all Form 9 submissions, including both original filings and all subsequent amendments. NB: Simply summing all of these communications will generate an inflated total amount for a particular reporting period.
Committee ID | Filer's FEC ID |
Committee Name | Filer's name |
Amendment | Line 3: N – new; A - amendment |
Public Distribution Date | Line 5a |
Communication Title | Line 5b |
Total Disbursements | Line 10 |
Beginning Coverage Date | Line 4 |
Ending Coverage Date | Line 4 |
Filing Received | Date filing received at FEC |
Image | Image location |