Any transaction from one committee to another file description
This file contains each contribution or independent expenditure that one committee gives to another during the two-year election cycle, including:
- PACs
- Party committees
- Candidate committees
- Or other federal committees
The file shows information about the committee expending the money as well as the committee receiving the money, the amount given, and the date it was given, and other information. The end-of-line (EOL) marker is line feed '\n' (LF, 0x0A, 10 in decimal).
Any transaction from one committee to another file format
Column name | Field name | Position | Null | Data type | Description | Example data |
CMTE_ID | Filer identification number | 1 | N | VARCHAR2 (9) | A 9-character alpha-numeric code assigned to a committee by the Federal Election Commission | C00100005 |
AMNDT_IND | Amendment indicator | 2 | Y | VARCHAR2 (1) | Indicates if the report being filed is new (N), an amendment (A) to a previous report, or a termination (T) report. | A |
RPT_TP | Report type | 3 | Y | VARCHAR2 (3) | Indicates the type of report filed. List of report type codes | Q2 |
TRANSACTION_PGI | Primary-general indicator | 4 | Y | VARCHAR2 (5) | This code indicates the election for which the contribution was made. EYYYY (election Primary, General, Other plus election year) | P2018 |
IMAGE_NUM | Image number | 5 | Y | VARCHAR2 (11) or VARCHAR2(18) |
11-digit image number format YYOORRRFFFF YY - scanning year OO - office (01 - House, 02 - Senate, 03 - FEC Paper, 90-99 - FEC Electronic) RRR - reel number FFFF- frame number 18-digit image number normat (June 29, 2015) YYYYMMDDSSPPPPPPPP YYYY - scanning year MM - scanning month DD - scanning day SS - source (02 - Senate, 03 - FEC Paper, 90-99 - FEC Electronic) PPPPPPPP - page (reset to zero every year on January 1) |
201810170912341234 |
TRANSACTION_TP | Transaction type | 6 | Y | VARCHAR2 (3) | Transaction types 10J, 11J, 13, 15J, 15Z, 16C, 16F, 16G, 16R, 17R, 17Z, 18G, 18J, 18K, 18U, 19J, 20, 20C, 20F, 20G, 20R, 22H, 22Z, 23Y, 24A, 24C, 24E, 24F, 24G, 24H, 24K, 24N, 24P, 24R, 24U, 24Z and 29 are included in the OTH file. Beginning with 2016 transaction types 30F, 30G, 30J, 30K, 31F, 31G, 31J, 31K, 32F, 32G, 32J, 32K, 40, 40Z, 41, 41Z, 42 and 42Z are also included in the OTH file. For more information about transaction type codes see this list of transaction type codes |
30F |
ENTITY_TP | Entity type | 7 | Y | VARCHAR2 (3) | ONLY VALID FOR ELECTRONIC FILINGS received after April 2002.
CAN = Candidate CCM = Candidate Committee COM = Committee IND = Individual (a person) ORG = Organization (not a committee and not a person) PAC = Political Action Committee PTY = Party Organization |
NAME | Contributor/lender/transfer Name | 8 | Y | VARCHAR2 (200) | Martha Washington for Congress | |
CITY | City | 9 | Y | VARCHAR2 (30) | Alexandria | |
STATE | State | 10 | Y | VARCHAR2 (2) | VA | |
ZIP_CODE | ZIP code | 11 | Y | VARCHAR2 (9) | 22201 | |
EMPLOYER | Employer | 12 | Y | VARCHAR2 (38) | ||
OCCUPATION | Occupation | 13 | Y | VARCHAR2 (38) | ||
TRANSACTION_DT | Transaction date (MMDDYYYY) | 14 | Y | DATE | 05112018 | |
TRANSACTION_AMT | Transaction amount | 15 | Y | NUMBER (14,2) | 5000.00 | |
OTHER_ID | Other identification number | 16 | Y | VARCHAR2 (9) | For contributions from individuals this column is null. For contributions from candidates or other committees this column will contain that contributor's FEC ID. | C00100502 |
TRAN_ID | Transaction ID | 17 | Y | VARCHAR2 (32) | ONLY VALID FOR ELECTRONIC FILINGS. A unique identifier associated with each itemization or transaction appearing in an FEC electronic file. A transaction ID is unique for a specific committee for a specific report. In other words, if committee, C1, files a Q3 New with transaction SA123 and then files 3 amendments to the Q3 transaction SA123 will be identified by transaction ID SA123 in all 4 filings. | SA11AI.8317 |
FILE_NUM | File number / Report ID | 18 | Y | NUMBER (22) | Unique report id | 1197695 |
MEMO_CD | Memo code | 19 | Y | VARCHAR2 (1) | 'X' indicates that the amount of the transaction is not incorporated into the total figure disclosed on the detailed summary page of the committee’s report. 'X' may also indicate that the amount was received as part of a joint fundraising transfer or other lump sum contribution required to be attributed to individual contributors. Memo items may be used to denote that a transaction was previously reported or in the case of an independent expenditure, that the amount represents activity that has occurred but has not yet been paid by the committee. When using the bulk data file these memo items should be included in your analysis. | X |
MEMO_TEXT | Memo text | 20 | Y | VARCHAR2 (100) | A description of the activity. Memo text is available on itemized amounts on Schedules A and B. These transactions are included in the itemization total. | Contribution to federal committee |
SUB_ID | FEC record number | 21 | N | NUMBER (19) | Unique row ID | 1234567891234567891 |