Conversion to multicandidate committee
In past advisory opinions, the Commission has permitted a principal campaign committee to become a multicandidate committee as an alternative to the committee’s termination. In meeting the requirements for multicandidate status, a former principal campaign committee may avail itself of the length of time of its prior registration, the number of contributions it has made in the past and the number of contributions it has received. Note that the prohibition on converting campaign funds to personal use still applies to such a committee.
Principal campaign committees of active candidates cannot qualify as multicandidate committees.
To change the committee type, the committee must amend its Form 1 (Statement of Organization) to:
- Change the committee’s name. A PAC’s name must not include the candidate’s name.
- Update the committee type.
- Amend any other information that has changed.
After the conversion, the committee remains responsible for resolving any outstanding obligations, such as debts and unrefunded impermissible contributions.