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Contribution limits for party committees

Under the Federal Election Campaign Act (the Act), contributions are subject to limits. This page examines the rules concerning the limits placed on contributions to a party committee. The limits apply to all types of contributions.

It is important to note that a party committee is prohibited from retaining contributions that exceed the limits. In the event that a party committee receives excessive contributions, it must follow special procedures for handling such funds.

Contribution Limits for 2025-2026 Federal Elections

Candidate committee PAC† (SSF and nonconnected) Party committee: state/district/local Party committee: national Additional national party committee accounts‡
Donor Individual $3,500* per election $5,000 per year $10,000 per year (combined) $44,300* per year $132,900* per account, per year
Candidate committee $2,000 per election $5,000 per year Unlimited transfers Unlimited transfers
PAC: multicandidate $5,000 per election $5,000 per year $5,000 per year (combined) $15,000 per year $45,000 per account, per year
PAC: nonmulticandidate $3,500* per election $5,000 per year $10,000 per year (combined) $44,300* per year $132,900* per account, per year
Party committee: state/district/local $5,000 per election (combined) $5,000 per year (combined) Unlimited transfers Unlimited transfers
Party committee: national $5,000 per election** $5,000 per year Unlimited transfers Unlimited transfers

*Indexed for inflation in odd-numbered years.

†“PAC” here refers to a committee that makes contributions to other federal political committees. Independent-expenditure-only political committees (sometimes called “Super PACs”) may accept unlimited contributions, including from corporations and labor organizations.

‡The limits in this column apply to a national party committee’s accounts for: (i) the presidential nominating convention; (ii) election recounts and contests and other legal proceedings; and (iii) national party headquarters buildings. A party’s national committee, Senate campaign committee and House campaign committee are each considered separate national party committees with separate limits. Only a national party committee, not the parties' national congressional campaign committees, may have an account for the presidential nominating convention.

**Additionally, a national party committee and its Senatorial campaign committee may contribute up to $62,000 combined per campaign to each Senate candidate.

$100 limit on cash contributions
Contributions of currency from any one source are limited to no more than $100. A cash contribution in excess of that limit must be returned to the contributor.

$50 limit on anonymous contributions:
An anonymous contribution is limited to no more than $50. Any amount in excess of $50 must be promptly disposed of and may be used for any lawful purpose unrelated to any federal election, candidate or campaign.

In-kind contributions
The value of an in-kind contribution—the usual and normal charge—counts against the contribution limit as a gift of money does.

Candidate limit may apply

Candidate limit may apply

A contribution received by a party committee may count against the contributor’s contribution limit for a particular candidate if:

  • The contributor knows that a substantial portion of his or her contribution will be given to or spent on behalf of a particular candidate; or
  • The contributor retains control over the funds after making the contribution (for example, the contributor earmarks the contribution for a particular candidate).

Contributions from affiliated PACs

Political action committees (PACs) that are affiliated with one another share the same set of contribution limits. For example, affiliated non-multicandidate PACs may contribute a combined total of $10,000 per year to a state party committee (and its district and local affiliates).

Affiliated multicandidate PACs may contribute a combined total of $5,000 per year to a state party committee (and its district and local affiliates).

Contributions from spouses and joint contributions

Contributions from spouses

Each spouse in a married couple has a separate contribution limit, even if only one spouse has an income. A couple may make a joint contribution (part of which would be attributed to each).

Joint contributions

A joint contribution is a contribution that is made by more than one person using a single check or other written instrument. A joint contribution represents the personal funds of each donor, so each donor must sign either the check or an accompanying statement.

For the purposes of the contribution limits, a joint contribution is attributed equally to each donor, unless an accompanying statement indicates that the funds should be divided differently.

Partnership contributions

A contribution from a partnership counts against the partnership’s limit and also counts proportionally against the limits of each participating partner.

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