This file contains archived live captions of the open meeting of the Federal Election Commission held on July 28, 2022. This file is not a transcript of the meeting, and it has not been reviewed for accuracy or approved by the Federal Election Commission. Good morning. The open meeting of the federal election committee for the 28th of July, 2022, will come to order. We have some late to submit documents. Mr. Vice Chair? A move to suspend the rules for the timely submission of the agenda documents in order that the commission may consider the late submission of agenda document 22-28-C and 22-24-A . Thank you very much, sir. Is there any discussion to the motion? All in favor? Aye . The motion is carried unanimously. Thank you, the first matter on our agenda is a holdover of draft advisory opinion 2022-06. Mr. Wang is here as counsel . Since we last spoke, Draft C has been publicly circulated, and we have received comments on Draft B that I hope everyone had a chance to review. Any questions of the general counsel for the Council ? Mr. Trainor . Mr. Wang, thank you for joining us today. I really appreciate your comments on the draft that we have. I was wondering if you had an opportunity to review Draft C , and if you had any comments in regards to it and some of the comments that you made on Draft A ? Yes, thank you Commisioner Trainor . Commissioners, thank you. First of all, I wanted to thank the commission as well as OPC for the time and permission they have given to our request. I realize there are a lot of moving parts given the corporate government structures that were presented. I think that speaks to what Chief Justice Roberts noted in our WRPL opinion , the open ended rough-and-tumble that we have seen in some of the commission's rules. And we certainly see that here in the item C and affiliation rules. That is what I think is so complex, and I think people have come before the commission to request permission before they can do something. We did have a chance to review draft see. We did not submit comments on Draft C , because of the conclusion in Draft C. With respect to the other draft, Draft A, I got the sense that there was not a whole lot of commission support for Draft A . And we submitted our written comments for why Draft A is incorrect. Draft B is also incorrect , for reasons we noted in our written comments, as well as the written comments submitted by the correctional Black Caucus act, as well as the cold PAC. There is simply no rationale or basis for the conclusion in Draft B , that a majority of our client Board of Directors would have to consist of members who are not federal officeholders or candidates . Draft C, we believe reaches the correct conclusion. It is consistent with the commission president that we cited, and are comments on Draft B , specifically on AO-1984-36 , American health capital. Both Draft C and the prior commission president that we cited stand for the proposition that when individuals or organizations control less than 50% of an entity's Board of Directors, that would not constitute control for purposes of the commissions FMC . That is why I believe Draft C requires there be a minimum or a quorum of an appointed Board of Directors, consisted of three members, so that no individual member has more than 33%, or a quorum of two , that each board member would have 50% control, and that would be control over the commissions precedents . The conclusion of Draft C I believed is select. The only quibble I have with Draft C is its citations and the analysis to that conclusion. It cites AO-221-6 , the -- Ayo, as well as Black's Law Dictionary , or the corporate control proposition. I just believe that there are better commission precedents to site for that, including AO-1984-36, as well as, AO-1987-34 , the -- AO, as well as AO-1979-56 , the Scott PAC AO. Both of which have conclusion from the Black's Law Dictionary , the controlled debts act. Although there is a slight variance in the commissions precedents with Black's Law Dictionary. If the commission could adopt a conclusion in Draft C, I think we would consider that a win. Thank you Thank you very much, counsel. Any further questions? Call for motion? Commissioner Cooksey . Thank you, Mr. Chairman. With respect to advisory opinion 2022-06, Hispanic leadership trust, I move approval of agenda document number 22-28-C , I believed, which is Draft C. Thank you, Commissioner. Discussion to the motion? Let me just say, Mr. Wang, too, something that you said . This matter involves an especially difficult regulation, even by the standards of this agency. And I appreciate your citation of the Chief Justice. I hope that in time, the best citations will not be AO's from the 70s and 80s, but will instead be a clearer regulation. I hope to live to see that day. Further discussion? All in favor of the motion? Aye . Opposed? Know. Motion passes with five in favor. The Vice Chair, Mr. Buckley, Commissioner Cooksey, six, and myself. And with one opposed, Commissioner Weintraub. Thank you very much . Mr. Wayne, thank you very much for your kind words for our colleagues, we thank you for your time and attention to our various questions in this matter. Thank you. Leisure seeing you. The next matter on our agenda is draft advisory opinion 2022-10 . Mr. Buckley, the office of the General Counsel, and Mr. Lazarus, on behalf of the requester. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Good morning, commissioners. Agenda 22-34-A is a draft response to an advisory opinion request submitted by Platform Venture Studio, Inc. , doing business as, Sprinkle. The requester asks whether it's proposed web-based contribution platform will result in prohibiting contributions by a sprinkle, and whether sprinkles proposed used of commission data to supplement its services to contribute is permissible. The draft concludes that consistent with prior advisory opinions, sprinkled services will not result in -- contributions by sprinkled to any candidate. The draft also concludes that consistent with primary advisory commissions, sprinkles permission data is permissible. The commission did not receive any comments on the request, and one comment on the draft. I'd be happy to answer any questions that you have. Thank you very much. Any questions for the office of the General Counsel? Is there any discussion? Any motions? Mr. Cooksey ? Thank you, Mr. Chairman. With respect to draft advisory opinion 2022-10, Sprinkle, I move approval of the agenda document number 22-34-A , which is draft A . Thank you, Commissioner. Any discussion? . Let me just say for the record, I will not be voting in the motion . The requested activity would not lead to prohibited contribution of [ Indiscernible ] my statement of Dash 01 . The statutory prohibition against use for any commercial purposes, and for that reason I will not vote yes. All in favor of the motion? Aye . Opposed . No. Mr. Vice Chair, I'm afraid I missed your post. >> Aye. Thank you very much, sir. The motion passes with five in favor, Commissioner Cooksey, Commisioner Trainor, Vice Chair , Commissioner Weintraub ,six , and one opposed, myself. Thank you, counsel. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE A-1-23. THANK YOU. GOOD MORNING MR. CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONERS. THE COMMITTEE WAS RESUBMITTED ON MAY 25, 2022. IT PROVIDES THE RECOMMENDATION FOR FIVE FINDINGS OUTLINED IN THE DRAFT FINAL AUDIT REPORT. RECEIVING CONTRIBUTIONS IN EXCESS OF THE LIMIT. FINDING THREE RECORD-KEEPING FOR EMPLOYEES. EXCESSIVE COORDINATED PARTY EXPENDITURES. AND FAILURE TO FOLLOW A 24-HOUR REPORT. WE ARE AVAILABLE TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE. CONSISTENT WITH THE MATERIALS THAT WE HAVE ACCEPTED. I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SUPPORT FINDING FOUR. OTHERWISE THE BOARD MOVES TO APPROVE ALL THE OTHER AUDITS. THANK YOU COMMISSIONER. FURTHER DISCUSSION QUESTIONS? ANY MOTIONS? I HAVE A QUESTION. I WAS UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT PERHAPS THERE WERE SOME RECOMMENDATIONS. I APPRECIATE THAT. THANK YOU MR. CHAIRMAN. IN THE RECOMMENDATION MEMORANDUM ON KENTUCKY STATES DEMOCRATIC CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE A 19-13. I WOULD'VE MOVED THE FINDINGS BE APPROVED ON FINDINGS ONE AND THREE. THANK YOU SIR. MOTIONS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. IN THAT CASE WITH RESPECT TO THE RECOMMENDATION MEMORANDUM ON THE AUDIT DIVISION OF THE AUDIT DIVISION ON THE KENTUCKY STATE DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE STATE COMMITTEE I MOVE APPROVAL OF FINDINGS -- WE DID TWO AND FIVE. I REMOVE APPROVALS OF FINDINGS, NOW I AM CONFUSED. TWO AND FIVE. WE DID ONE AND THREE AND THIS IS TWO AND FIVE. THANK YOU COMMISSION. THE DISCUSSION OF THE MOTION? ALL IN FAVOR? AYE OPPOSED? MOTION FILLS. THREE OPPOSED. IT WOULD REQUIRE A RECORD FINDING FOUR. GOOD MORNING. IF THE COMMISSION DOES NOT MAKE A MOTION AND THE APPROVAL REJECT FINDING FOUR WITH FORMAL APPROVALS. THAT IS MY UNDERSTANDING BUT I DO APPRECIATE THE CLARIFICATION. LET US MOVE ALONG SWIFTLY TO THE NEXT MATTER ON THE AGENDA. THE RECOMMENDATION FOR THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF ARKANSAS. NUMBER A. MISS BUTLER? MR. CHAIRMAN, MR. SMITH PLEASE TAKE US AWAY. GOOD MORNING COMMISSIONERS AND MR. CHAIRMAN. IT WAS RESUBMITTED TO THE COMMISSION MAY 27, 2022. THE FOUR FINDINGS PRESENTED ARE FINDING ONE, REPORTING OF DEBTS AND OBLIGATIONS. FINDING TWO RECORD-KEEPING FOR EMPLOYEES. FINDING THREE REPORTING AND MEDIA RELATED EXPENDITURES AND DISCLOSURE OF LOANS AND LOAN REPAYMENTS. WE ARE AVAILABLE TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE OUTLAND FINDINGS. THANK YOU. THANK YOU MR. CHAIRMAN. I HAVE THE MOTION TO THAT EFFECT. I WILL PAUSE DRAMATICALLY. I AM STILL PAUSED. WITH REGARD TO A DRM OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF ARKANSAS, I MOVED THE COMMISSION APPROVE AUDIT RECOMMENDATION FINDINGS ONE, TWO AND FOUR. THANK YOU SIR. A DISCUSSION OF THE MOTION? ALL IN FAVOR? THE MOTION IS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ANY FURTHER MOTIONS ON THIS MATTER? SEEING NONE, THANK YOU TO THE STAFF ON THIS ONE AS WELL. WE WILL MOVE TO THE AUDIT REPORT ON THE ASSOCIATION FOR EMERGENCY RESPONDERS AND FIREFIGHTERS PACK. NUMBER A-19-21. MR. CHAIRMAN GOOD MORNING MR. CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONERS. BEFORE YOU EASE THE PROPOSED FINAL AUDIT REPORT FOR THE ASSOCIATION FOR EMERGENCY RESPONDERS AND FIREFIGHTERS PACK. WHICH WAS SUBMITTED FOR THE COMMISSION REVIEW ON JUNE 16. ONE FINDING FOUND UNDER THE AUDIT DIVISION RECOMMENDATION MEMORANDUM APPROVED BY THE COMMISSION ON MAY 12, 2022. ONE ADDITIONAL ISSUE, WHICH IS A COMMISSION DID NOT APPROVE OF THE REQUIRED FOUR VOTES. THE FINDINGS INCREASE ACTIVITY CORRECTED, AN ADDITIONAL ISSUE IS TITLE RECORD-KEEPING FOR DISBURSEMENTS. AND USE OF DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY. WE ARE AVAILABLE TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS, THANK YOU. MR. TRAINER? I DO HAVE A COMMENT WITH REGARD TO THIS AUDIT AND THE NEXT ONE THAT WE HAVE TO DO. BOTH HAVE THE SAME TREASURE ASSOCIATED WITH THEM. I THINK OUR AUDIT REPORT HAS CHARACTERIZATIONS IN THE NARRATIVE PORTION. ABOUT HOW THESE PARTICULAR PACKS SEEMS SOMEWHAT SHADY. ALTHOUGH IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THE RECORDS THAT HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY THE PACKS IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE. I THINK IT EMPHASIZES HOW WE LIVE IN A WORLD WHERE WE LOOK AT FICO ALL THE TIME. THEY ARE DEALING IN A REAL-WORLD SENSE OF TRYING TO KEEP RECORDS THE BEST THEY CAN. SOMETIMES THE REGULATIONS, PEOPLE RUN A FOLLOW-UP OUR REGULATIONS. THEY DO NOT NECESSARILY MEAN TO. THEY HAVE BEEN COOPERATIVE IN GIVING US RECORDS. MAYBE NOT EVERYTHING THAT WE NEEDED. WE PROBABLY WENT ABOVE AND BEYOND THE RECORDS WE WERE ASKING FOR. IN THESE TWO PARTICULAR AUDITS. I PLAN TO SUPPORT THIS. JUST KNOW THAT SOMETIMES WE ASK FOR A LITTLE BIT TOO MUCH. COMMISSIONER? ANY MOTIONS? THANK YOU MR. CHAIRMAN. THE PROPOSED FINAL AUDIT REPORT ON THE ASSOCIATION FOR EMERGENCY RESPONDERS AND FIREFIGHTERS A-19-21. APPROVAL OF AUDIT RECOMMENDATIONS? THINK YOU COMMISSIONER. THE MOTION IS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. THANK YOU YOU ALL. LET US MOVE TO THE PROPOSED FINAL AUDIT REPORT ON THE U.S. VETERANS ASSISTANT FOUNDATIONS PACK. A-19-06. GOOD MORNING. MR. CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONERS. BEFORE YOU HAVE THE PROPOSED ART REPORT, IT WAS SUBMITTED TO THE COMMISSION FOR CONSIDERATION ON JUNE 21, 2022. THAT INCLUDES FOUR FINDINGS OUTLINED IN THE AUDIT DIVISION RECOMMENDATION MEMORANDUM. APPROVED BY THE COMMISSIONER MAY 12, 2022. IT CONTAINS TWO ADDITIONAL ISSUES WITH THE COMMISSION DID NOT APPROVE. BY THE REQUIRED FOUR VOTES. BEFORE WE HAVE FINDING ONE IN THE STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITY. INCREASED ACTIVITY AND FINDING THREE DISCLOSURE OF OCCUPATION AND NAME OF EMPLOYER. FINDING FOUR FAILURE TO FILE 24-48 HOUR REPORTS. ADDITIONAL ISSUE ONE, DISCLOSURE OF DISBURSEMENTS. ADDITIONAL ISSUE TWO, RECORD-KEEPING FOR DISBURSEMENTS AND USE OF DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY. THEY ARE AVAILABLE TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS. THANK YOU. COLLEAGUES, ANY QUESTIONS OR DISCUSSION? WITH RESPECTS TO THE FINAL AUDIT REPORT OF THE DIVISION IN THE U.S. VETERANS DIVISION, I MOVE APPROVAL OF THE AUDIT AND THE RECOMMENDATIONS. POLITICS, ANY MOTION OR DISCUSSION? HEARING NONE, ALL IN FAVOR ? AYE. THE LAST MATTER IS MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS. WHICH IS SUITABLY , I WILL TAKE THE CHAIRS PREROGATIVE AND CONCLUDE TODAY'S PUBLIC MEETING. BY RECOGNIZING, WITH REGRET IT WILL BE THE LAST TIME THAT VICE CHAIR WALTER WILL JOIN OUR DELIBERATIONS. I WANT TO THANK YOU ON BEHALF OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THE COMMISSION FOR HIS 16 YEARS OF SERVICE HERE. THE VICE CHAIR IS A MODEST MAN. I DO NOT WANT TO UNDULY EMBARRASS HIM. WE ARE LOSING A GREAT DEAL TODAY. A LITTLE OF THE BALL LONG BEFORE THE COMMISSION. MEMBER OF THE BOARD, THE JUDICIAL PALLET. NO COMMISSIONER IN THE RECENT HISTORY MATCH THE DEPTH OF EXPERIENCE. THIS EXPERIENCE IN HIS LEGAL ABILITY WILL REMIND YOU THE THINGS THAT WERE CONTRIBUTED. A GENTLEMAN'S MANNER FOR OUR DISCUSSIONS. UNIVERSAL RESPECT ACROSS THE TYPICAL SPECTRUM. SO MUCH FOR MY WORD THIS CHAIRMAN. STEVE, ON A PERSONAL NOTE, THANK YOU. I WILL MISS YOU. IT WAS ONCE OUR PRACTICE TO HAVE SEASON COMMISSIONERS OF SERVICE SHARE. FOR REASONS IN VARIOUS REASONS, I WAS THRUST INTO THIS ROLE AS THE VICE CHAIR. I PERSONALLY HAVE BENEFITED FROM THE WISDOM AND EXPERIENCE IN TEMPERAMENT AND IT HAS BEEN A PRIVILEGE IN PERSONAL PLEASURE. I WILL MISS SWAPPING WAR STORIES AND I WILL MISS OUR SHARED ANTIDOTES OF THE DESERTS. MY THANKS, I WISH YOU A HAPPY WILL RETURN TO DATA. AT THIS POINT I WOULD LIKE A WORD FROM OTHERS. I WANTED TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SAY MR. VICE CHAIR OR STEVE IT IS THE END OF AN ERA. WHEN I CAME TO THE AGENCY IN 2008 I KNEW THERE WAS A COMMISSIONER. IN 2015 YOU GAVE ME A GREAT OPPORTUNITY AT THE TIME ALTHOUGH I DIDN'T KNOW HOW IMPORTANT THE OPPORTUNITY WOULD BE. OR TURN OUT TO BE. AS YOUR EA I LEARNED SO MUCH. NOT ONLY ABOUT THE FINANCE LOG BUT ABOUT HOW TO BE A LEADER AND A BOSS AND A MENTOR. I LEARNED TO CONSIDER OPPOSING THOUGHTS. I LEARNED MORE THAN I THOUGHT I COULD EVER IMAGINE TO LEARN. FINALLY IN 2020 I HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO GET ANOTHER CAPACITY. I TOOK ON THE ROLE AS THE CHAIR MY FIRST YEAR AS COMMISSIONER. I DON'T KNOW IF YOU CAN EVER TRULY BE PREPARED TO BE A CHAIR. I DO KNOW -- YOUR RETIREMENT IS BITTERSWEET. FOR ALL OF US IN PARTICULAR AND PARTICULARLY FOR ME. AS YOUR FORMER COUNSEL AND PEER I WILL NOT MISS YOUR TELEPHONE CALLS AT 11 PM. BECAUSE YOU ARE ALWAYS WORKING. I WILL NOT MISS THE SUNDAY MORNING CALLS CHECKING ON THE WEEK OF THE EXECUTIVE SESSION WHILE I WAS SITTING IN CHURCH TRYING TO TEXT YOU A RESPONSE. IT'S A REFLECTION OF HOW MUCH YOU ENJOY THE WORK THAT YOU DO. IN THE FAQ BROUGHT TO THIS AGENCY. I WILL MISS YOUR LEADERSHIP STEVE AND YOUR PROFESSIONALISM. AND YOUR SENSE OF DUTY. I HOPE I WILL NOT MISS IT BECAUSE IT WILL CONTINUE YOUR FRIENDSHIP. BEST OF LUCK IN YOUR BEST ADVENTURE. I LOOK FORWARD TO IT. THANK YOU. I ASKED FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF SPEAKING LAST. I HAVE KNOWN YOU THE LONGEST STEVE. OUR PATHS FIRST CROSSED IN 1998. WHEN WE WERE WORKING ON A CERTAIN RECOUNT BASED ON A SENATE RACE IN NEVADA. I DON'T KNOW IF YOU REMEMBER THAT? I WAS BASED IN D.C. AND YOU WERE OUT THERE ON THE GROUND. WE DID HAVE PHONE CALLS BACK TOGETHER BACK THEN. YOU ARE KNOWN FOR YOUR COLLEGIALITY, COURTESY AND UNSEASONED EFFORTS TO WORK RESPECTFULLY WITH ALL OF YOUR COLLEAGUES. AS WELL AS YOUR LOVE FOR YOUR FAMILY. YOUR BEAUTIFUL HOME STATE OF NEVADA, AND OF COURSE THE RENO RODEO. BEYOND THESE WALLS YOU HAVE BEEN A LIFELONG WARRIOR FOR NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL DEMOCRACY, HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE RULE OF LAW. YOU WILL WORK WITH THE ADA AND IT GOES BACK AGAIN LONG BEFORE EUGENE HERE. YOU AND I HAVE BEEN COLLEAGUES SINCE 2006. WE HAVE BONDED OVER SHARED DEDICATION TO THE MISSION OF THIS AGENCY. IN THE COMMON LOVE OF CHOCOLATE. I WILL PUT A LITTLE PLAQUE ON THE CANDY JAR IN MY OFFICE IN YOUR HONOR STEVE. WE HAVE OVER THE YEARS SHARED STORIES AND PICTURES OF GRANDKIDS GROWING UP. WE SHARED A MUTUAL LOVE OF TRAVEL. THANKS TO YOU I HAVE ALSO HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO WORK WITH AND GET TO KNOW BETTER THE WONDERFUL AND TALENTED PEOPLE YOU BROUGHT ON BOARD AS YOUR STAFF. LIKE WANDA BROWN AND ROBINSON TOM ANDERSON AND BRAD DEUTSCH AND SARA ROSINSKI KATHY RYAN AND SHELLEY GARDNER AND OF COURSE SHAUNA BRASSARD. I AM SURE I DID MISS SOME NAMES. I APOLOGIZE TO ANYBODY WHOSE NAME THAT I DID MISS. STEVE, YOU HAVE BY MY COLLEAGUE IN MY ALLY AND MOST IMPORTANT MY FRIEND. I THANK YOU FOR THE FRIENDSHIP WHICH I KNOW WILL CONTINUE. FOR YOUR SERVICE TO THIS AGENCY AND OUR COUNTRY. ENJOY THOSE GRANDCHILDREN STEVE AND CONTINUE ON YOUR ADVENTURES. ANY FURTHER DISCUSSION? >> WE WILL MISS YOU STEVE. ANY MATTERS THAT THE COMMISSION NEEDS TO DISCUSS TODAY? THERE ARE NO SUCH MATTERS. THE COMMISSION IS ADJOURNED.