This file contains archived live captions of the open meeting of the Federal Election Commission held on May 12, 2022. This file is not a transcript of the meeting, and it has not been reviewed for accuracy or approved by the Federal Election Commission. An meeting of the election commission for the 12th of May, 2022 will come to order. First, let me say that today is the first day we are having members of the public in the hearing room, which is a very exciting development, so welcome. The first item on our agenda is an initial determination on eligibility to receive primary election public funds. This matter will be held to the next meeting of the commission, which brings us to audit division recommendation concerning the Association of emergency responders and firefighters pack. Is, good morning, Mr. Chairman, commissioners. It is the recommender recommendation on the memorandum which was submitted for consideration on March 3rd, 2020 two. Finding one, increased activity corrected, and finding two, record keeping for disbursements in use of designated depository, and we are happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you. I should state for the public and for the record that the vice chair is unavoidably absent today, but will be permitted to enter votes today and any matters in which we reach boats. Colleagues, any motions? Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Could you please elaborate on the need for finding two? Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Finding two highlights the fact that audit staff was unable to verify the accuracy of the reports because the supporting documentation provided by this committee did not elaborate. But we've seen in the committee's bank statements. >> Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Can you tell me about the receipt of this committee? How much funds did we note in this report? Yes, thank you. During the audited years, 2017 and 2018, this particular committee raised 3 million, $132,000 and reported, accurately so, no independent expenditure during that period. Thank you, Commissioner. Following up on that question, so, they raised $3 million and did not spend it on independent expenditures. Do we know what they did spend it on? An according to the reports, the committee's and the raised funds on operating expenditures, vendors, communications -- >> Were there communications other than independent expenditures? Yes, ma'am. Fundraising. Fundraising. Okay, they raised $3 million. He spent money raising the $3 million, and they did not spend any of it advocating for candidates or against candidates? That is correct. That we know of. That we know of. Any further questions for the audit division, or discussion? Are there any motions? Thank you, Mr. Chairman. With respect to the audit division recommendation memorandum on the Association of Emergency Responders and Firefighters P.A.C. A 19-21 the approval of staff recommendations. Thank you. In favor? Opposed? The motion fails with two coats in favor. Three opposed . Other additional motions? Mr. trainer. In audit division recommendation memorandum on Association of Emergency Responders and Firefighters P.A.C. A19-06, I move that the commission approve finding one. My question for my colleagues is what is the nation of your objection to finding two? Welcome, Mr. vice chair. If I could, Mr. Chairman. So, Commissioner Weintraub, I think what I heard is that there is no allegation of anything done wrong here, it is just that the information they have did not lead to the audit division being able to draw a conclusion, that there is really nothing in the record that shows that there is anything that needs to be done or that was not done other than audit was not able to draw the conclusion they were looking for. Thank you Mr. Chairman, I agree with what Mr. trainer just said. I think I would add that the finding in my opinion does not adequately explain why the documents that the committee did provide in response to the DSR including records and vendor bank statements sufficiently and verifiably substantiate the payments. So, in my view, I have a disagreement with the audit division about whether the documentation that they did provide is sufficient supporting documentation to substantiate the fact that payments took place. >> Commissioner Weintraub. I'd like to the staff to respond to that please. >> The audit uses the committee's bank statements as the most reputable third-party independent source, and in this particular instance, the committee produced its bank statements that contain payees and amounts that we just cannot trace to the QuickBooks and any other documentation the committee provided. We eventually asked for very specific documentation so that we can verify that, but we could not . Specific payees that appeared on the committee's bank statements were not in the committee's supporting documentation and amounts, so that, alone, this allows us to verify the reports are accurate. There was a disconnect between the information we saw in the bank statements, committees bank statements, and the supporting documentation. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Could you also explained to us some of the information that was provided? We received vendor forms that show -- I'm a little confused at how this committee was able to provide us, as alleged proof of their making payment, information from the vendors themselves. Invoices or redacted invoices? If you could explain not? Yes, in this instance, the committee produced the bank statements of his vendors. They were redacted. It is unusual to see this type of documentation, and also , we received a state statements that were produced by the vendors themselves confirming the billing amounts and the paid amounts. However, again, these amounts did not correspond with the committee's bank statements. That was our main issue, as hard as we tried. Mr. vice chair, there is currently a motion on the floor to approve audit recommendation one. The previous motion to adopt the entirety of the report was rejected. Thank you for that information. Of course. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. If none of my colleagues are persuaded by audits presentation, I will support the finding, which is the one finding, even though I think we should have a report with both findings in it , and it is my understanding that under directive 70, the discussion of finding two well moved to the issue section of the report, so it will still be there for the public to see, it just won't have been adopted by a majority vote. Also my understanding, Commissioner. Any further discussion? All in favor of Commissioner trainers motion? Motion is carried unanimously. Are there additional motions? I see none. Thank you very much to the staff for the presentation of your hard work on this audit. Let us move to the third matter on our agenda , also 19-06. Good morning, Mr. Chairman and commissioners. Before you is the recommendation memorandum on the veterans Association P.A.C.. The ADRN provides the staff's recommendations for the following findings outlined in the draft final audit report and finding one, statement of financial activity. Finding two, increased activity. Finding three, disclosure of occupation and name of employer. Finding four, disclosure of disbursements. Finding five, record keeping for disbursements and use of designated depository. Finding six, failure to file 24-48 hour reports. We are available to answer your questions, thank you. Thank you, ma'am. Any questions for the audit division? Commissioner Weintraub . Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you, Miss Grant. Could you please elaborate on the information underlying findings four and five? Finding was that the committee was not using Derek contemporaneous address on the reports and they amended the reports to provide their temporary at this and also they provided their adequate purposes. We questioned some purposes that were not adequate, and now they have been amended to correct the public record and disclose adequate addresses for several entries. As far as finding five, record keeping for disbursements and use of designated depository, the committee failed to provide information explaining why on the bank statements, there is one amount , the same amount, 5 million dollars spent on disbursements in 53 transactions. Yet on the report, there are 147 transactions, so the transactions between the bank statements to U.S. assist were found to not correspond with the reports of the vendors. Commissioner Weintraub. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Going back to finding four, the simpler of these two findings, what it be consistent with all of our prior audits to have a finding in the situation based on the timing of when they amended their reports? I will be happy to answer that question. We believe it would be consistent with our practices, because all of these satisfactory amendments were done in response to the audit, so we prompted the accurate disclosure . We believe that the finding belongs in the report. >> Comissioner Weintraub. Thank you. Could you explain a little more that the assist found a vendor described on the bank statement? That is rather unusual. Yes. It did not disclose the vendors names as the ones receiving the funds. Every one of the statements would say U.S. vet assist found. Suzanne, did you want to elaborate any further? Yes, that is true. This is an analogical situation to the previous committee we just discussed. Again, we are seeing a paid vendor on the committees bank statements that does not appear anywhere in the committee's supporting documentation or reports. So, we run into the same disconnect is with the first committee as far as the name and as far as the amounts. >> Do we have any more information about what this U.S. vet assist found is, or who is behind it? We inquired, and we were told that it was payments to the vendors . We acknowledged , however, sought more documentation so we can ascertain that the money was accurately dispersed to the reported vendors. However, we did not receive that documentation. Since we are, theoretically, the follow the money agency, what is it possible to follow the money in this case? An that is precisely it. We couldn't. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. So again, I will turn to my colleagues. I understand that there is some reluctance to approve these two findings, and I would appreciate whatever explanation my colleagues can provide. With regard to finding four, my feeling of what an audit should be is that the audit division comes in, identifies problems, and to the fact that we can have the records corrected, that the public can properly know what is happening , and to the extent that we have a right to know what they are doing, I think that is what has happened in finding number four. They had inadequate purposes. They had an incorrect address. Those things has been corrected, and therefore, I don't think that there is a reason for the commission to be dinged. More importantly, this information is still going to continue in the report even if we don't approve it, so the public will have an appropriate notice that those things did not happen up front, but they have been corrected. With regard to finding five, it is the same disagreement we had on the previous one as to whether or not the pack itself needs to prove the negative to the audit division with what they did. Here, you have 54 different transactions and 147 transactions being reported to the commission. In my opinion, that is a detailed report to the commission, and detailed information that has been given to the public. There has been compliance by the P.A.C. in this particular case. So, again, I don't think it is something they need to be dinged for just because they can't prove to the satisfaction of our auditors what is going on. There is nothing to show there is anything nefarious going on that needs any further investigation. >> In finding number four, we are talking about [Indiscernible] 5.3 million dollars [Indiscernible] I see you leaning forward. Let me bring this Mike closer. For the second one, I have some concerns about the conclusion that there is nothing nefarious, because we have a U.S. vet assist found, and that is not the name of the Association that is before us. Furthermore, when we were asked to clarify some of these deposits and the spending, all they were able to give us was a quick report and statement, and again, redacted vendor bank statements. How this committee is able to obtain the redacted vendor bank statements so they can prove that they actually paid it is kind of -- I think those audits should be allowed to dig into that information. It doesn't -- it is follow the money, essentially. Mr. Chairman, if I could. Commissioner, I really don't think it is our position to go dig into what the redacted vendors invoices that are coming in. I think it shows great cooperation with the audit division for the P.A.C. to actually go to their vendors to get invoices, to talk with those vendors about what they can and can't share with the commission related to that, then to redact them and turn it over. I think that shows an enormous amount of cooperation with us . We don't have any jurisdiction over those particular vendors with regard to the information that has been redacted. A.B. it is proprietary. Maybe it is cost information. I don't know what it might be that is there, but there is nothing to show that there is nefarious activity that we need to peers that particular veil that I don't think we have jurisdiction over. Additional questions for the audit division or discussion? Motions? I have a question. I guess I am curious to know, what we say it is not nefarious conduct, but it is conduct that clearly is wrong or incorrect , and it is of that size, don't we have some obligation within the power of our entity to look into that, whether we transfer it to a different part of the agency or not ? It seems to me we can't just let it go without learning more about it. So, I am just going to ask audit to see if they have any suggestions on where we might go with this. Thank you, Mr. vice chair. We, in audit, have obligation to refrain from speculating. We can't speculate. We only provide the commission with the facts. We are telling the commission, with this particular finding, that the committees, both of them, did not have their own bank statements to support what they are reporting. What we are saying is we don't have the records to verify that the public record is accurate. That is all we are saying. We are asking the committee to provide more records, to provide records to substantiate the reports. That is audits standpoint. Does audit have the ability to subpoena the documents or subpoena the documents that relate to them, so you have some sort of rep use it representation? >> That would be a question for our colleagues in the office of General Counsel, Mr. vice chair. Okay, if we were to look into that, we would ask the similar part of the agency. Whenever you see potential wrongdoing, is that pretty much what you send -- how far do you go when you see transactions that raise serious questions, but you can reach them with accuracy? With this particular finding , we were hoping for approval of the record-keeping issue, and potential referral to the office of General Counsel for their action, depending. But, from our standpoint, we can only hope for approval of this finding. That is as far as we can take it. I apologize. Go ahead. I apologize, Mr. Chairman. I was just going to follow-up on what Miss Pacious was saying to Mr. vice chair . We don't have all the information that we need. Essentially, what we do is work within the parameters of the information that is before us. In this particular case, that resulted in our recommendation for a record-keeping finding, given that we were not able to match amounts and payees from the committees documentation to what was disclosed on the report. So, and this particular instance, it presented itself in a record-keeping finding. There are instances when we don't have records that we will pursue subpoena requests to force commission approval. However, in this case, what we have before us is a record-keeping finding. In a case like that, but you still make a recommendation to send the matter to OGC? As far as recommendation, Mr. vice chair, we are consistent with our previous recommendation for this type of finding. We keep encouraging the committees to provide the records, and we are pretty much consistently recommending the same thing for this committee, as well. Thank you very much. Thank you. This is a question for audit. The request for bank statements, is this an unusual request? Thank you, Commissioner. Audit has not requested bank statements, per se, other than the committees bank statements. When we are lacking the documentation to verify the reports, we asked the committees for anything they have to produce. Offender statements, vendor bank statements are rarely seen, as in these two cases. >> Do you recall the specifics of these vendor statements? What type of services were provided? I'm sorry, I'm having some audio issues. I think it's me, so. Do you recall , on those vendor statements that we received, were there any common actors in between the statements? Was it all fundraising? Was it all consulting? Did the names match in any way? Was there anything similar about those? These two committees share the same treasurer and officers . While the majority of the information on the vendor bank statements was redacted, we did see money flowing between the committees and some other committees related. There appeared to be similarities in vendor addresses . The very appearance of the vendors invoices that the committee produced was the same. With a very short description of the services, which again, is highly unusual in our audit role, because vendors usually do not share locations, banks, and things like that. However, we did review the documentation provided. We concluded that we do not have sufficient information to tell the commission that the public record is accurate. Comments? Motions? Comissioner Weintraub . Thank you, Mr. Chairman. With respect to the audit division recommendation memorandum on the US Veterans Assistance Foundation P.A.C. A19-06, I move approval of all the recommended findings. All in favor? Opposed? No. Motion fails with three in favor and three opposed. Further motions? Mr. Trainer? >> In US Veterans Assistance Foundation P.A.C. A19-06 I suggest the commission remove findings . Again, my understanding is that this would remove sections four and five . Any discussion? All in favor? Opposed? The motion is carried unanimously. Anything further? Mr. acting staff director, are there any administrative matters? There are no such matters. We are adjourned. [ Event concluded ]