This file contains archived live captions of the open meeting of the Federal Election Commission held on December 02, 2021. This file is not a transcript of the meeting, and it has not been reviewed for accuracy or approved by the Federal Election Commission. Thank you. Standby. >> Federal and 19 09. The commission determined pursuant to 11 C.F.R. section 2.71 the this requires as public announcement. The vice chair is so moved. Any discussion on the motion looks all in favor indicated by saying I. Madam Secretary the motion has been adopted as unanimous. So the first item that we have on the agenda 2021 11 being held over. Madam chair. We may have a problem with the feed. It's never a dull moment here. Okay. You may continue. As I mentioned the advisory request 2021 11 held over. The only item is the audit division recommendation on memorandum of the Republican party of Minnesota. We have Ms. Brenda Wheeler from the audit division to discuss the matter. We will turn it over to Ms. Wheeler. Good morning madam chair and commissioners. Before we talk about the memorandum, the Republican Party of Minnesota federal. Which was rescinded to the commission for consideration on November 12th 2021. The ADR provides the audit staff recommendation for six findings outlined in the final audit report. The six findings presented are recordkeeping for employees, recordkeeping for communications, reporting of independent expenditures, disclosure of transfers and allocation ratios, excessive coordinated party expenditures, and disclosure of loans and loan repayments. We are available to answer any questions you may have. Any questions for the audit division? If there are no questions, are there any motion? I would move the approval for on the Republican party of findings three and five in direct audit to make any necessary conforming edits. Thank you , Commissioner. I am trying to -- the normal order for these things would be to move approval of the entire audit report or recommendations first. Which I was going to do but nobody raised any objections. I did not think they were going to be any. So I did not know that I had to jump in. Madam chair, I am happy to withdraw my motion. And that you go first. Thank you. I appreciate it. With that madam chair, I move approval of the audit division recommendations as set forth in the memorandum on the Republican Party of Minnesota federal. Thank you. Any discussion on this motion? All those in favor please say I. I. Opposed, please say no. Motion fails with three in favor. Three voting against a motion. Additional motion? Madam chair. I would renew my motion to adopt the recommendations with the exceptions of finding three and five. And with the direction the audit making his conforming changes. Thank you Commissioner trainer. Any discussion on this motion? Hearing none. All in favor please say I. I. Closed. -- Opposed . Let me know call that too soon. Any further I? Opposed, please say no. No. I am sorry, that was a no. The motion fails with three voting in favor. The vice chair, Commissioner training, and three voting against the motion, Walter, and myself. Any further motions? Anything further with this matter? No. Let me time -- let me turn to the audit division. Any questions for the audit division? Thank you. We will move on to this matter. As I mentioned that was the only item that we had on this meeting. I think we be our record, this might've been a five minute meeting. Let me turn to the staff director. Mr. staff director, any management or administrative matters that the mission needs to discuss today? There are no such matters. This meeting is adjourned. >> [ Event concluded ]