This file contains archived live captions of the open meeting of the Federal Election Commission held on April 08, 2021. This file is not a transcript of the meeting, and it has not been reviewed for accuracy or approved by the Federal Election Commission. >> Good morning, open meeting of the Federal election commission will come to order. We have some late cemented documents this morning, Mr. vice chair? Thank you for I moved to suspend the rules on timely submission in order the commission may consider the late submission of docket number 21 -- 20 -- A1. Thank you for the vice chair is so move. Any discussion on the motion? Hearing on, although severer please say I. Motion has been adopted by six. Thank you very much. I would like to announce prior to we start the agenda item number three proposed amendment to directive 17 will be held over to a feature of the meeting. The first item we will consider on the agenda is advisory opinion of 2021-four, submitted by Michael Lynn. We are joined by the chief financial officer for available responding to questions. Welcome. We also have Kevin Paulson and Amy Rothstein here to discuss the matter. Would you like to present? Thank you. Good morning. Before you are on agenda month documents, which respond to requests from the requester a for-profit operation with mobile app and website that provide users with faith-based content. The request asks whether's proposal deposed A/V statements for members of Congress on his platforms would result in corporations which would otherwise contribute contribute is. Acting commission regulate would not prohibit the requester from post in the content as proposed. Activity would not result in indications or otherwise provide limited in-kind contribution to participating members were also candidates for federal office. We did not receive any comments on the requests. We received one comment on draft day from the campaign legal Center I would be happy to address any questions you have. Thank you. Is there any discussion or questions? Since we have representatives from the requester here, the revised draft was submitted only yesterday, I would be interested if Mr. Lynn has any comments or anything he wanted to say with regard to the true two drafts we are considering. I don't have any additional comments. I can answer any questions, provide more information of who we are if needed. Thank you. I wonder if Mr. Lynn has no preference between the two drafts? I think the most recent which I read thoroughly could be the one that would be in line. Thank you. Any further questions? I want to make sure since the video is not able for one of our commissioners, did you have any questions for the requester or General Counsel? At this time I don't. Thank you. If there are no further questions, is there a motion? IMovie adoption of revised. Is there discussion on this motion? Seeing none, I will call the question although severer, please say aye. Thank you. I believe I heard six, it's a little difficult but I cannot see faces. I apologize if I am misstating. The motion passes-zero. They had to call the names, we have the vice chair, Commissioner Shaner , all voting in favor and thank you to the requester for peering today. Thank you and thank you to the commission. The next item we have is the resubmission of proposed modification to program for requesting consideration of legal questions by the commission. We have the compliance office and others from OCC to discuss the matter. I would now offer them to like to proceed. Thank you. Before the commission is a document 21-18 -- ace committed by the office of General Counsel and compliance. Proposing changes to the commission policy statements program for requesting consideration of legal questions by the commission. The program allows committees to ask the commission to decide one or more questions of law that may be raised when either the report analysis division or audit division determines the committee must take corrective action. If two or more commissioners agreed to consider the request, the office of General Counsel may take up to five business days to attempt at its discretion to resolve the substance of the request informally with the committee. At this attempt is not successful or not made, they submit a memorandum to the commission that describes, analyzes and makes a recommendation on the issue or issues presented in the requests. If the commission does not resolve the request within 60 business days of the filing of the request, the office of compliance may proceed with the matter. The program provides for an annual review of its operation and an opportunity to propose modifications based on that annual review. This memorandum proposes two modifications to the program. First, memorandum proposes the five business day informal resolution period begin immediately after the commission receives the request, instead of as is currently the case after two or more commissioners agreed to consider the request. Second, the memorandum proposes 60 business day period of time given to the commission to resolve the request for the office of compliance receives, be suspended in cases in which event beyond the commission's control occurs that disables the commission from deliberating on the request. Examples of such events might include a natural disaster, government shutdown, or the loss of a quorum. Was the disabling event ends, the commission 60 business day period was resume at the point it was interrupted. In special circumstances, the commission could grant itself up to an additional 20 business days to consider the matter. I would be happy to answer any questions. Thank you. Are there any questions or discussion? Thank you for the presentation. I have a question as relates to the second recommendation in the 60 day clock change for the resolution of legal questions. Under the proposal, what would the effect be on an audit if one of the intervening events like a lack of quorum, institutional lack of quorum were to take place during the pendency of the 60 days to reveal where I'm going, one of my concerns would be, it would potentially effectively freeze the audit process, if we were to get one of these legal questions during a lack of quorum in there were no way to move forward with the audit until a quorum were restored. Yes. Language as currently proposed would, in effect, halt the audit process if request is pending during the 16 business day period of time. The audit division would need to weigh the guidance of the commission on the question or questions presented in order to proceed. Do you have any concern about what incentives that might create for potential gamesmanship or audit subjects who are looking to pause their audits if we were seeing a prolonged period mentioned? I have not considered that. I would defer to my superiors if they have any thoughts about that. If there was an event that would stop the commission from proceeding, that could occur at any point. If we were at the final report stage and there was a lack of a quorum, they couldn't vote anyway so that could happen at any point. If there was a snow event that close the commission for we, that would happen at any point. >> Are there any further questions? Could you explain to me what the position of the commission was before we adopted our current procedure and how that previous procedure relates to this procedure being recommended? Yes. Are you talk about the informal resolution process? Yes. There was no formal process for informal resolution in the procedure. We proposed in the previous modification memorandum to add the informal process because we had an audit that we were working on it which we were able to we discover there was a simple resolution even though the committee had requested formally reconsideration. There was essentially agreed with the committees decision on the merits and we were able to instruct the audit division to move or recommend the finding from the audit report. Even though there was no formalized process, we were able to, sat with that atheist audit and that engendered some reflection because without's the five business days specifically dedicated to the informal resolution process, it was incumbent upon us to use 15 business days provided in the program to generate the recommendation memorandum. We had to use part of that time in order to explore and eventually effectuate an informal resolution with the committee. Rather than a oblige the office to choose, a rather limited 15 business day period of time to pursue low solution or draft recommendation, we suggested that it dedicate a specific period of time before the recommendation memorandum period began within which we could explore informal resolution. That is basically the genesis of the informal resolution aspect of the program. >>. My concern with starting immediately as opposed to once two commissioners have considered it, are the majority of the legal issues fully vetted such that those being audited would already have an idea of what the legal questions might be so those discussions could start immediately versus after two commissioners said they had an interest in it? Currently come under the program, the auditors present the committee within exit conference at which they detail all of the proposed findings in the first draft of the audit report. The committee are apprised of that and they have a period of time within which to consider whether they formulate we will legal objections. That's already part of the current process. Thank you. Any further questions? I guess a couple of questions about the timeline. Am I correct that we would be adding five days to the timeline that exists here. This wouldn't come out of the 15 days as required for evaluation. This proposed publication transposes the five business day time from its original location to an earlier point in the process. If the modification were affected, the five business day resolution period would begin immediately after the commission receives the request rest under the current program, the informer solution period begins after at least two commissioners agreed to consider the request. Understood. Thank you. You mentioned there's a period of time between the exit conference in the dropdead date when one would have to decide to request the legal review by the commission. How often is there surprise the question is being asked? Do you engage in discussions about these legal questions during that reflective period? That can vary. Sometimes the committee informs us at the exit conference that it has a legal concern. About one or more of the findings presented and then we are apprised of it well in advance of the filing. It's not incumbent upon the committee to disclose to us in advance that will be filing a request for legal consideration. We could receive a request and without knowing in advance that the committee had an issue. Once a request is filed, at least under this process, we would have a certain amount of business days to explore the issue. I understand. I'm asking about a factual question. How often are you surprised by these requests for legal review? And relatedly, with this five day period essentially be redundant of that weighting period in most cases or some cases are all cases, what do the buckets look like? I don't have a sense of the landscape of request for legal consideration to be able to say how often we are surprise as opposed to how often we know in advance. Again, I would defer to my superiors if they have more experience with the program, they would be able to comment on that. >> If I had to make a call, I would say we are not surprised. Usually comes up to a conference that committee has some legal point they want to make. We are usually not surprised because the auditors and General Counsel commie times the committee will just say they have a problem they want to file a request and in fact they are looking for Canada on the 15 days we would receive. If I had to make the call, I don't think we are surprised by it. Which you agree in most cases, those 15 days are available for this sort of in discussion? The 15 days for memorandum? I may have my time I brought. After the exit conference is a period of time, you just told me in most cases you would know I'll spot a couple days after that there will be some sort of concern. I presume you take advantage of the time before the committee files a formal request to discuss the merits of that request. In cases That depends. I would say no. To say what the committee says. I don't know what they will argue. I wouldn't want to put the resources in the play and not know what the committees are arguing or if they will argue at all. They may not file a request. I would definitely wait to see what they do. There haven't been cases where items have come off the list of violations as a result of discussions happening at the exit conference? It's our practice to wait until there's a normal request from the commission. Yes. Think, that's helpful. Thank you. I would like to see that you indicated you would like to speak. I wasn't going to say, during that 10 day response period the committees have, there's often some back and forth between the committees and the audit staff where they field questions and we provide responses and we remind them of their opportunity to provide a legal request. I would agree, it's not often we are taken aback and surprised that a request is received. Other any other questions? We haven't had a chance to look at documents in the last couple of days. What problem is said to be solved banishing this? Has it been a problem to remedy? To initiate this? And then to have a five day, what has happened to justify seeking this? Madam chair? With respect to the first proposal, regarding transposing the five business day informal resolution period -- I'm sorry? With respect to transposing the five disc's estate period, we did encounter one situation in the preceding year regarding an audit where we perceive the possibility of expedient informal resolution presented. However, we could not effectuate that resolution because to a more have not agreed to take up the request. Our feeling is informal resolution process has been helpful in promoting efficiency and obviating the need for formal commission consideration of questions. This transposition would enable us to address a situation like the specific audit that occurred in the preceding year that motivated the recommendation. We would be able to potentially expand the efficient use of resources. With respect to the second issue, during the time the extended period of time of the commission lacked a quorum, in some exit conferences conducted with committees, we were questioned by committee representatives as to the propriety of filing a request for legal consideration during that time and what would happen to a request for legal consideration occurring in the midst of an event such as that. We realize there is a latent ambiguity in the language of the program as it's currently worded that if 60 business days elapses, then the commission the office of compliance has discretion to proceed. We considered perhaps the commission would not wish to be divested of the opportunity to deliberate on the pending request for consideration of one or more legal issues reason of events or circumstances that occur beyond the commission's control and perhaps it would be appropriate to add that clarification to the current language. Those are the considerations that motivated proposals. >> Chris know how is decided that two would be selected and who would do the selecting and how had that occurred? Who would do the selecting in terms of selecting for informal resolution? I think it was two lawyers involved. How would they be involved? Does it come from the office of General Counsel? The decision currently, this would remain the same under modification, whether to engage in informal resolution or to pursue with the committee would be at the office of General Counsel discretion. The office of General Counsel would initiate such an attempted may decide in his discretion not to try informal resolution. Thank you. What is to prevent a committee from simply withdrawing its request for legal consideration? Assuming there is a discussion, the GC agrees or whomever decide the objection raised at the meeting is correct, it's the desire to withdraw the objective to analysis. Why would there need to be this five day set aside? Could they say nevermind, I don't need the commission to look at this? >> The five business day informal resolution period could results in the withdrawal and it has in the past, it has resulted in withdrawal of legal requests for consideration by the committee. I don't know that is responsive to your question. It is. Trying to understand the scenario in which is presented, I'm very open to correction. There have been times were an objection was raised in meetings below the commission level. All parties have agreed that the objection is sound. Instead of simply moving forward on that basis I think your words are your been unable to effectuate that because of a pending legal issue with standing in front of the commission. Try to match the scenario with where they would simply not withdraw the legal request and be back where we started. What actual problem is that solving? >> [ Indiscernible - audio issues ] Comissioner Steven Walther, I believe you're on two devices must disconnect one. We are checking on him right now. >> Going to move to the waiting room to see if that makes a difference. Thank you. While we do that, I apologize for the inconvenience. We will take a five minute recess to make sure we have Comissioner Steven Walther back. Madam chair, we have resumed recording in our live event is proceeding. We are resuming the open meeting for Thursday, April 8th. We were having a few technical difficulties which have been solved. I want to thank the staff of that. Stippling was in the midst of answering a question on behalf of Commissioner Comissioner Steven Walther. We can also have the video. If you can resume answering the question. Thank you. I believe the essence of the question posed by the vice chair before the recess was why not if everyone is in agreement, the objection posed is sound. Why can't everyone agree why can't the committee withdraw the request or why would they be precluded from withdrawing the request. I had indicated in my response that the reason for proposing the transposition of the informal resolution period, in that case, I don't know if the vice chair is thinking about that case and that's why I am alluding to a. That was the case under the current regime or we were precluded from pursuing the informal resolution for may have been able to agree to because of the procedural requirements the commission take of the matter with two or more affirmative Commissioner votes and because that procedural requirement was not fulfilled, we were not able to pursue that with the committee and that was the reason motivating the proposal here. I don't know that responsive to the question or not. I agree it is responsive. Leaves me a little confused. I guess I would just stated again. Given the ability of the requester to withdraw their legal objection, what prevents informal resolution under the current regime? If the committee withdraws its request, the program would no longer be in operation. The thing about it, the commission has to action actually vote on a. We have to vote first and then go into informal resolution. Heather been no indication there at least two interested in the question, why are we doing informal resolution? Or be no reason to do informal resolution. We don't have the interest of the commission. That is the current process. The commission and then informal resolution. I think, the reason would be because all parties in the committee agree on what the legal answer is there's no reason to involve the commission. Let me put it differently. Now there will be five days. Where we will not have taken a vote or review the objection. Oji C will, in his discretion talk with the committee. I can imagine that going one of two ways. Either Oji C agrees which case I am confused why the committee will simply withdraw its objection and everyone go about their lives or Oji C will disagree with the committee in which case all we are doing is creating five days to talk them out of their position before the commission reviews the issue. I don't understand which prong of that dilemma requires this change? Or what it will concretely do that would be helpful? Maybe we are defining it too narrowly. It's not always a discussion between Oji C in the committee. It's a discussion between Oji C and the committee and audit. We didn't have the process before, we try to do it informally but it was a discussion with the audit division, a clarification on what this finding involves. Once we figure out what was going on, it was easy to resolve. We say auditors come all you have to do is change it like this. Than the committee understood what they were talking about and everyone's happy and agree. That was before we had the process of informal resolution so we asked the commission, let's formalize this process of having an informal resolution process when we put it in, we require the commission to first and then we did informal resolution. In the case Josh was talking about were we thought if we spoke to the committee, we could have resolved it easily. The commission had not voted or voted to consider and that was the process at that time. That's why we didn't do anything. If we talked, we could have resulted. The way we had set it up, we couldn't top that because the process happened after the commission voted. I want to pick up the phone and call the committee and easily resolve this but that's not the way the process is set up. What prevented OGC ? You are having meetings with folks, you're in communications with them, but portion of the existing directive prevents you from continuing those conversations while the commission considers the legal appeal? I will leave it at this because I know we are going late. I remain really confused on why this can't. Base set up and they talk to formally resolve it until after the committee vote. I think we are on the same point. I want to do what you're talking about. The current process set it up such that I had to wait until the commission side wanted to consider it. I would love to do what you are talking about. I thought I couldn't because the commission had a devoted.'s boat first and then informal resolution. What you are talking about is exactly what we want to do. We just thought all we had to do was shift to an earlier process to take care of it early. Can you point me to language that prevents you from talking to the other side while the commission is considering whether to bring it to the commissioners? Thank you. Under the current process, within five business days of notification, I am reading from the current Federal Register notice. Within five business days of notification of requester consideration of the legal question, if two or more commissioners agree the commission should consider the request, ODC may at that time attempt to resolve the matter informally over the course of five business days. Within 15 business days from the date upon which the office of compliance and general counsel concluded the matter cannot be resolved informally, or from the expiration of the five business day period, OGC will prepare and circulate a recommendation. I think that is the pertinent language. That answers my question. I think we're just reading it differently. Thank you. Are there any further questions? Let me ask, is there emotion? I have a question. I'll try to make this short. I'm wondering how the commissioners sit in on this? Who selects them? Is there a method to help resolve the matter and when does that come into play? Is reconciliation process? It seems like there would be a step that. If I may ask, when you refer to the selection of two people, are you referring to the part of the process were to a more commissioners agree to consider the request? Yes. You go with the problem, is there any record of that? With respect, to the part of the process where the commissioners decide whether to consider a request in the first instance, we at OGC don't speak with commissioners, Sibley presented to all of the commissioners when the request is received in if two or more commissioners decide they wish to consider the request, they can do so. OGC plays no role apart from forwarding the request to the commissioners for their deliberation. And then they meet and make a decision and hopefully everyone abides by it? The tool more simply indicate we usually forward it electronically and into a more indicate to us informally they would like to consider the request. It's formally accepted for consideration. I would like to interrupt your line of questioning, we have another commission Commissioner. I think is a little bit of confusion about the process. If, is not one of these processes that is lost in the sands of time. This is something we started about a decade ago. After one particular audit where the committee was frustrated they didn't have a method of raising a legal question before the commission that could have resolved issues earlier, and had to wait until the end of the process. We all agree that was not very efficient. We created a process which is in some respect for probable cause hearings. If the committee wants to raise a question to the commission, it will be presented to the entire commission. If any two agree they think this is worth considering, they don't decide the issue. Then the question is presented to the entire commission to decide. There any two commissioners that can weigh in on the front end and say this is worthy of commission consideration but they're not the ones who will decide the issue. It's always presented to the entire commission. Thank you. Are there for the questions office of General Counsel? If not, I will ask is there emotion? I have no idea whether this motion is going to succeed or not. Will be interesting to see. It sounds like having listened to the discussion, everybody wants to get to the same place. Which would allow our staff to try and informally resolve these matters in advance of the commission having to devote its time to considering it's and in advance of the committee having to put in as much work on the request. This seems to be some disagreement amongst some commissioners and staff as to whether they can do that now. If this doesn't work, maybe we could work on other language that may clarify that. It seems like it's generally a good idea to allow for that kind of informal resolution. In hopes that maybe this would do it, I will move approval of agenda document 21-18-a, a proposed modification to the program for requesting consideration of legal questions by the commission. Thank you. Is there discussion on this motion? I don't plan to support the motion. I want to be clear, it's because I do read the existing policy differently and I do not see what is preventing OGC from resolving these matters in favor of the committee in those instances where there is agreement as to what the legal standard should be. I want to put that on the record and you can consider the language with or without my opinion. That is where I am coming from. While I will support my own motion, if there is a way we could resolve this by general commission direction to the staff that they can read the current policy to allow for that, I am fine with that interpretation also. >> I will call the question, all those in favor please say aye. Opposed, please say no. At the motion fails with two voting in favor and four voting against. Are there any further motions? Take you very much. Thank you to the office of General Counsel, will move onto the next item of the agenda. The next item, we have announced there's a holdover proposed to direct the 17. Will move onto the draft statement of policy regarding closing the file of the initial stage in the enforcement process. Let me ask if there is a presentation of this one? Since this was a commission proposal, OGC does not have a presentation prepared. Thank you. I don't know if this would be in order but I'm looking at the clock. I think this matter deserves deliberation and we will likely be able to give it on empty stomachs. It would be in order I would ask this be held over until our next meeting. Thank you. Agreeing with the empty stomach portion of that, we will hold this matter over until the next open meeting. Let me turn to the question to our staff director. Are there any management or administrator matters we need to discuss today. There are no such matters. Thank you. This meeting stands adjourned. [ Event Concluded ]