This file contains archived live captions of the open meeting of the Federal Election Commission held on February 25, 2021. This file is not a transcript of the meeting, and it has not been reviewed for accuracy or approved by the Federal Election Commission. Good morning, for the open meeting for the federal election commission of February 25th, 2021 will come to older. Items two and three are being held over, the first item is 2021 Dashiell two, submitted by Mr. Mr. Harrison Hiner, and we have Joseph Wenzinger and Robert Knop . Good morning commissioner. The agenda draw from it is drafted submitted by Tran 39. Full Employment Now-Political Action Committee, communications with mentors of Congress and congressional condos, the document inclusive because the acting commission regulations do not prohibit such use of aggregate data. The proposal is permissible. We received no comments and requests and the draft, . But will you do have one table edit for clarity that we would ask to be made in a motion. This does not change anything substantively, but it cleans up this a little bit. That table edit we would proposes on page 3. The sentence beginning on line 21. To remove the word, included, and replace it with the words derived from information provided. >> Other than that, I am happy to answer any questions that you may have. Thank you. Is there any discussion question my >> Nine. Is there a motion? >> Mr. Weintraub . Thank you Madam chair, I actually for a commercial, going to suggest one other very small and in that sentence to replace the word that, with weather , which actually was a suggestion from one of my colleagues that I thought was a good idea. So, with that, sorry. I move approval of agenda document number 21 Dashiell eight Dash a dash eight and 2102 FEN-PAC as described by the Council and I move as just said. Thank you Commissioner Weintraub, is there any discussion of this was a question mark I will call the question, all those in favor please say aye. Thank you, the motion passes 60. Oh, it looks like we only have one other motion or item on the agenda. Are there any management or administrative matters that the commission needs to discuss today? [ Silence ] Mr. Palmer? You are muted. >> Thank you, this meeting stands adjourned.