PAC and party summary file description
The PAC and party summary file contains summary financial information for each PAC and party committee.
The file has one record per PAC and Party committee and shows information about the committee, total receipts and disbursements, receipts and disbursements broken down by type, contributions to other committees, independent expenditures made by the committee, and other financial summary information. The end-of-line (EOL) marker is line feed '\n' (LF, 0x0A, 10 in decimal).
PAC and party summary file format
Column name | Field name | Position | Null | Data type | Description | Example data |
CMTE_ID | Committee identification | 1 | N | VARCHAR2 (9) | C00100005 | |
CMTE_NM | Committee name | 2 | Y | VARCHAR2 (200) | National Finance Political Action Committee | |
CMTE_TP | Committee type | 3 | Y | VARCHAR2 (1) | Q | |
CMTE_DSGN | Committee designation | 4 | Y | VARCHAR2 (1) | U | |
CMTE_FILING_FREQ | Committee filing frequency | 5 | Y | VARCHAR2 (1) | M | |
TTL_RECEIPTS | Total receipts | 6 | Y | Number(14,2) | 150000.00 | |
TRANS_FROM_AFF | Transfers from affiliates | 7 | Y | Number(14,2) | 0.00 | |
INDV_CONTRIB | Contributions from individuals | 8 | Y | Number(14,2) | 100000.00 | |
OTHER_POL_CMTE_CONTRIB | Contributions from other political committees | 9 | Y | Number(14,2) | 50000.00 | |
CAND_CONTRIB | Contributions from candidate | 10 | Y | Number(14,2) | Not applicable | |
CAND_LOANS | Candidate loans | 11 | Y | Number(14,2) | Not applicable | |
TTL_LOANS_RECEIVED | Total loans received | 12 | Y | Number(14,2) | 0.00 | |
TTL_DISB | Total disbursements | 13 | Y | Number(14,2) | 145000.00 | |
TRANF_TO_AFF | Transfers to affiliates | 14 | Y | Number(14,2) | 0.00 | |
INDV_REFUNDS | Refunds to individuals | 15 | Y | Number(14,2) | 0.00 | |
OTHER_POL_CMTE_REFUNDS | Refunds to other political committees | 16 | Y | Number(14,2) | 0.00 | |
CAND_LOAN_REPAY | Candidate loan repayments | 17 | Y | Number(14,2) | Not applicable | |
LOAN_REPAY | Loan repayments | 18 | Y | Number(14,2) | 0.00 | |
COH_BOP | Cash beginning of period | 19 | Y | Number(14,2) | 304000.00 | |
COH_COP | Cash close Of period | 20 | Y | Number(14,2) | 315000.00 | |
DEBTS_OWED_BY | Debts owed by | 21 | Y | Number(14,2) | 0.00 | |
NONFED_TRANS_RECEIVED | Nonfederal transfers received | 22 | Y | Number(14,2) | 0.00 | |
CONTRIB_TO_OTHER_CMTE | Contributions to other committees | 23 | Y | Number(14,2) | 75000.00 | |
IND_EXP | Independent expenditures | 24 | Y | Number(14,2) | 10000.00 | |
PTY_COORD_EXP | Party coordinated expenditures | 25 | Y | Number(14,2) | 0.00 | |
NONFED_SHARE_EXP | Nonfederal share expenditures | 26 | Y | Number(14,2) | 0.00 | |
CVG_END_DT | Coverage end date | 27 | Y | DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) | Through date | 04/30/2018 |