Communication offices
Office of Congressional, Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs
The Office serves as the agency’s primary liaison with Congress and the Executive Branch. It keeps Members of Congress apprised of Commission decisions, and serves as the agency’s point of contact for Members seeking information about federal campaign finance law. The staff monitors ongoing legislative activities that affect the Commission and its mission. It also coordinates the preparation of congressional testimony and responds to Congressional and Executive Branch inquiries concerning FEC policies and programs. On appropriations issues, the Office acts as the primary congressional contact and works with the FEC’s Office of Chief Financial Officer in representing the FEC before the Office of Management and Budget.

Duane Pugh joined the FEC Office of Congressional, Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs in 2007. He joined the FEC’s Office of General Counsel in 1997 and held a variety of positions in the Policy and Public Financing Divisions. Prior to the FEC, Duane was an associate at a private law firm, where his practice focused on higher education and included Federal Election Campaign Act, Lobbying Disclosure Act and state campaign finance matters. He has also worked on Capitol Hill in the New York State Senate Office for Federal Relations. Duane is a graduate of Cornell University and the University of Pennsylvania Law School.
Amy E. Pike, Deputy Director
Amy Pike joined the FEC Office of Congressional, Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs as the Deputy Director in 2008. She came to the FEC in 2003 as a Communications Specialist in the Information Division. Previously, she was a Legal Assistant in the Wireless Bureau of the Federal Communications Commission. She also worked in Academic Publications at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Office of Special Investigations at the U.S. Department of Justice. She received both her B.A. and M.A. at the American University School of International Service.
Information Division
In an effort to promote voluntary compliance with the law, the Information Division provides technical assistance to candidates, committees and others involved in elections through the internet, email, letters, phone conversations, publications, webinars and conferences. Responding to phone and written inquiries, members of the staff provide information on the statute, FEC regulations, advisory opinions and court cases. Staff also lead workshops on the law and produce guides, online presentations and videos on how to comply with the law.

Greg Scott has been the Assistant Staff Director for the FEC's Information Division since 2001. Prior to that, he held several other positions within the division, including Senior Communications Specialist and Deputy Assistant Staff Director. Throughout his FEC career, Greg has embraced technology as a means to improve customer service while reducing costs. He has also championed the use of plain language in agency communications and currently heads the FEC's Plain Writing Act compliance team. An Indiana native, Greg received his B.A. in journalism and political science from Indiana University-Bloomington. He joined the FEC staff in 1990.
Office staff
Elizabeth Kurland, Deputy Assistant Staff Director - Outreach
George Smaragdis, Deputy Assistant Staff Director - Publications
Katherine Carothers, Senior Communications Specialist
Paul Stoetzer, Senior Communications Specialist
James Jones, Multimedia Specialist
Romy Adame-Wilson, Communications Specialist
Mary Ann Baker, Communications Specialist
Christopher Berg, Communications Specialist
David Garr, Communications Specialist
Don Michael, Communications Specialist
Abigail Rison, Communications Specialist
Le’Juan Dean, Administrative Clerk
Public Disclosure and Media Relations Division
The Press Office is responsible for releasing information to the media about Commission actions and campaign finance activity, and responding to press inquiries about campaign finance law and regulations, Commission actions, and the financial activity of federal campaigns, parties, PACs and others who file reports with the FEC. Specialists can help reporters navigate and understand information provided by committees as well as policy and enforcement actions taken by the Commission.

Myles Martin, Deputy Press Officer
Myles has served as Deputy Press Officer since 2024, having joined the Press Office as a Public Affairs Specialist in 2018. He first came to the FEC in 2005 as a Writer-Editor in the Information Division. Myles received both his B.A. and M.P.Aff. from the University of Texas at Austin.
Public Records
The Commission’s public record includes not only all campaign finance reports filed from 1972 to the present and a disclosure database containing data from 1977 to the present, but also Commission meeting agendas and documents, advisory opinions, closed enforcement cases, audits, petitions for rulemaking and comments, campaign finance statistical compilations, federal election vote results, Ethics in Government Act statements filed by presidential candidates, and more. The Public Records Branch has knowledgeable staff to help researchers locate documents, access data from the disclosure database, and navigate the website. The office is open to the public from 9 to 5 on weekdays.
Office staff
Eileen J. Leamon, Deputy Assistant Staff Director for Disclosure
Jason Bucelato, Senior Public Affairs Specialist
Julie Kinzer, Public Information Specialist
LaTonya Prescott, Public Information Specialist
Heidi Wangelin, Public Information Specialist